□●□ Love □●□

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I want to feel your love
That is deep, dark and intense

"Alexandra please don't leave me." Albert cried infront of her.

"She is married to me now Albert. You have no right to stop her." Victor stood infront of him.

"No. She is only mine. I have to stop her." Albert tried to reach her but Victor pushed him away.

It was raining heavily with thunder and lightening. Albert was continously fighting Victor not to take her with him while she stood there silent like nothing ever happened.

"I have told her about you Albert. That you are a vampire. Thats why she has left you and married me." Victor said.

"What? Why did you do that to me Victor? You couldn't keep my secret. You stabbed me in the back. Your own brother?" Albert was shocked and tears of pain were falling from his eyes.

"I have no time to waste here Albert. I am leaving with her. You live alone in this house with mother and father." Victor said and turned around to grab Alexandra's hand and took her inside the carriage.

The carriage started to move when the horses started to run and the noise of their tapping hoofs could be heard. Albert stood there in shock. As the iron gate opened, Albert ran towards the carriage calling her name.

"Alexandra! Alexandra! Please don't leave me. Please." Albert cried.

As he ran further, there was the growl of thunder and a lightening bolt hit him. His cry was heart ripping and could be heard from so far. I was standing there and ran to him.

"Albert! Albert!" I reached him. He was burnt and his clothes were ripped. The damage had been done but he was alive. He turned around and looked at me with his blue eyes. I can never forget his face. His face was half burnt.


I woke up on my bed drenched in sweat opening my eyes suddenly from the nightmare. I was really scared. My head was aching. I touched it and felt a bandage on my forehead.

"Nora! Nora! I am here. How are you?" He said sitting beside me on my bed.

"No. No get away please. I am afraid of you. Please leave." I tried to push him but he grabbed both of my hands. "Nora! Please listen to me. I love you so much. I will never ever hurt you."

"You loved Alexandra too, Albert but you got her killed. How can I believe you.?" I said.

"Nora! I won't do that mistake again. Please forgive me Nora. I'm really ashamed. He held my hand close to his face and cried. He was sobbing like a little child. I carressed his cheek. "Albert!
I believe you I am sorry." I looked down. " I want to know everything Albert. Tell me everything." I wiped away his tears.

" I am sorry Nora! I lied to you. The picture in the diary, I made it looking at you while you were asleep. You look very beautifil while you are asleep. I look at you everynight sitting by your side stroking your beautiful face and playing with your silky hairs." He smiled sheepishly.

" I lied to you because I didnot want to lose you Nora. Its true that I call you Alexandra because I love you like her and I regret that mistake of getting her killed. The dreams you see are induced by me. I show these dreams to you because I can control the minds of the people. I show these dreams to tell you my story of how I lost her and how I was hit by the lightening bolt but I survived.

He stood up and went near the window. "I was burnt but my wounds healed. I went to my room and locked myself inside hidden from the world. My brother wanted to kill me stabbing a nail in my heart during my sleep but I bit him and let him die infront of Alexandra."

He turned around to see me. "The only thing makes me really sad is that she also came to see me getting killed. I wanted to make her like me and I bit her too but she died and never make it. I have been living in this mansion for 500 years. I have aged very slightly as I am half a human and half a vampire and survived on animal blood because I needed it and human food as well. I have told all the previous owners to leave and tell the same story about my death or I shall find them and kill them. That's why nobody has ever lived here and this mansion has always remained empty and silent."

"But then you came, filling my empty life with hope. I knew then and there that I had fallen in love all over again. I wanted you, I desired for you Nora. I don't want to lose you like Alexandra." He explained it to me."

"But I am engaged with Robert." I told him.

"You are mine Nora. Nobody can take you now. Only me." He came closer to me, our faces only inches apart. He put his forehead on mine. I was lost.
" I don't know anything Nora but what's mine is mine. End of the story." He looked into my eyes and went away closing the door behind him.

"Albert! Please listen to me." But he was vanished again.

I was so confused. "What should I do? I cannot betray Robert. I have to tell him the whole story but will he believe me? No. He won't. He will think I am cheating on him. Who will believe on such a fake story of a vampire falling in love with a girl now a days." Tears fell from my eyes.

I took my cellphone and called Robert. He picked up and I started to tell him the whole story. He couldn't believe his ears.

"Nora! What are you talking about? Are you out of your mind?" He nearly shouted at me. I started crying. "Don't tell me that you are in love with another guy and making lame excuses will not get you anywhere but losing me."

"No. Robert I am not lying." I was explaining and crying and suddenly Albert appeared from somewhere.

"You are talking to him again. What are you explaining to him?" He took the cellphone out of my hand.

"She is right. I love her and she is only mine. You can't get her understand." Albert told him.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I am Count Albert...

I snatched my cellphone out of his hand. "Robert!! Listen to me. I can explain." I sobbed.

"No. You can't explain now. Its over. We are over. Live your life. I can't believe you are cheating on me. Bye." He hung up.

"Robert. Robert. Please I can explain." I cried but he had gone. I tried to call him but he never picked up. Albert was standing there looking at me while I texted him. I texted him the address while crying and deleted the sent message.

"Does he love you? I don't think so." He said.

"What are you looking at? My destruction? Get away from me. I tried to push him but in vain. He wrapped his arms around me forcefully." No. Go away. Leave me alone." I cried." We were getting married and you ruined everything."

He pinned me against a wall and held my wrists tightly. He came very closer to me crushing me between him and the wall.

"Nora! No one can love you more than me."He kissed my cheek. " I can't afford to lose you now." He kissed my neck. His breathes were driving me crazy.
"You are hurting me Albert. You already have hurt me enough." I looked away, tears rolling down from my eyes.

"I don't want to hurt you anymore Nora." He said and scooped me up in his arms carrying me to my bed. He put me on my bed and kissed my forehead. I did the mistake of looking into his eyes. There was something in his eyes which caused them to change colour. A brown speck appeared in his left eye and they turned black. I was lost in him. I didnot remember what happened next. My eyes closed themselves like I was under some drugs. I fell asleep and woke up at midnight with nobody with me...


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