4: New Home

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AN: Here is a song that I adore, it's from LIS (Life is strange - and many other awesome video games) I know, I know~ but you can play it for extra feels ;-; Also, don't forget to vote if you like this story! It just saves the trouble of commenting ;~; I've currently put my other book 'Paradox' on hold so I can put my full time and attention into this book. What really suprised me is that so many awesome readers really like this book! I honestly thought this book would just sit there and maybe get 10 reads on each new chapter if I'm lucky, but there is over 50 people that read my recent chapter from 2 days ago! For me it's a pretty big number because I never got that much in such a small amount of time, but I want to try my best and give my all- to make these chapters worthy of your time :)  Enjoy ~

Jacks P.O.V ~ The Captains Room ~

I'm suffocating in this tiny box on the table, all my muscles ache from being in the same position for an entire day. I wasn't able to sleep at all last night, not with those haunting words which were said to me just before the captain went to bed. He had a long conversation with me, well, he was the one to talk. I didn't dare say a word, no matter how much he yelled or threatened me I couldn't give any information away. From my knowledge the captain figured out I was a 'Golden Merrow'- so they say- because of the large variaties of beautiful colours on my tail and fins.

My endless thoughts are interrupted by the door slamming against the rotten ship walls, the filthy captain comes to view with something in his hand. He slowly walks up to me, keeping a sharp death glare on my eyes. Before speaking, he takes out a big puff of smoke from his pipe.

''Ye be a high bounty for'a tail like that'' He growled lowly to me. The only thing I could do was stare helplessly, and my breathing quickning from the lack of air. He finally showed what he hid in his hand, a small knife with the Shadow Hunter symbol. My eyes could only widen in fear before he unlocked one side of the lid, allowing the fresh salty air to come in. I gasped for air while he held the knife playfully on my tail.

''Ye don't seem like ye wanna talk ey'?'' He chuckled darkly, sliding the blunt end of the knife across my tail. ''Well me mate, I've made thousands of ye filthy merrows spill out the gold'' He grabbed hold of both my wrists and before I could protest he slid the knife into my tail and ripped one scale off. I screamed in pain as the he watched the blood flow into the water, I wasn't even able to do anything. (AN: Just imagine someone ripping your whole nail off)

''I'll ask ye one last time..'' He said sadisticly while brushing his sandpaper-like hands over my delicate tail. ''Where is yer new hide out?'' He snarled with his monstrous glare. I wasn't able to say a word as I was still whimpering in pain from my open wound, but even if I could speak I wouldn't dare say a word to this filthy human. He cocked his head slightly, realising that I wasn't going to 'spill' any  information while a horrid grin appeared on his dirty face. He raised his knife, readying to stab my tail with full force- but as soon as he was about to slice my through, the door opened. I sighed in pure relief as he shot his head in the direction of the wooden door.

''What do yer want?!'' He hurled his violent words at the familiar man standing by the door- the quartermaster, as the captain explained last night...(AN: Second in charge after the captain)

''We've arrived Cap'n!'' He said carefully as I overheard people outside yelling 'hoist the sail'. The 'captain' growled in response before returning his galre on me.

''Aye, it seems tat' I ain't gonna have any fun wit' ye...for now..'' I could smell his disgusting breath of cigarettes and beer in my face, I could only squint in fear. After his last words he slams the glass lid over and locks it once again, at least I got a fresh supply of air.

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