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AN: Here is more of an explanation thingy -Mermaids were first 'Discovered' in the year 1614 (<--Fact) - We are now in 1700's ~ We are in the years of Kings and Queens with a mix of Pirates :D

Shadow Hunters are kind of like the Mafia, in a sense that they have their own law that go against the king's, and obtain money illegally. They mercilessly slaughter merrows in the most painful and cruel ways, since they are high in price in the black markets. (AN: The name 'Shadow Hunters' is supposed to represent what they do- So they kill and hide in the dark shadows to prevent from getting captured by the the kings guards. Kinda like ninjas but with parrots and peg-legs)

Shadow Hunters use harpoons, shooting through the Merrow's tail, causing an excruciating amount of pain, they are then dragged out while still alive, and slowly killed. The details of this horrific way are best not spoken of. (AN: Just imagine someone shooting a harpoon through your stomach while you're still alive)

Merrow Hunters are the kings men that are sent out to kill merrows in a quick and painless way. Sometimes the doctors/scientists need more merrows to experiment on after the others die, very few merrows that meet certain standards are captured and brought to the labs so the humans can discover more about these 'Gods of the Sea'.

Merrow's History

(So I don't have to explain much more in the chapters - A mistake I made in my previous books)


A 'Merrow' is an Irish folklore of saying Mermaid or Merman. So when people want to identify more than one merperson, they are called Merrow/Merrow's. EG: A group of young Merrows have been seen, resting between the large boulders. (AN: I wanted an easier way instead of saying mermaid/merman/merpeople, so I thought.. 'Why not use another language?!' *\._./* I will use merpeople or mermen sometimes, to avoid using 'merrow' too much.)


Merpeople do have one strong point. When the merrows were first discovered they were threatened by the human's selfish desires, so they sang their beautiful melodies to lure the humans in their death traps. After many arguments and countless deaths, the king of the 'Land Walkers' agreed to worship the Ocean Gods. In return, the merrows would stop killing any human that touched the salty shores and protect the seas from any pirates. Now it is forbidden to harm any being in the Ocean World.

Selfish Desires

After the kingdom discovered about the immortality that the merrows possessed, they broke the contract and what the merrows feared most, came true. The humans selfish desires got the best of them, and so to make a pathetic excuse to the public some evil humans slaughtered random families and made the scene to look like a merrow was the killer. The foolish King, Queen and public fell for these stunts, and of course there came the hate and hunting of Merrows. (Only the wealthy and 'clean' may eat them. Because 'peasants' are not worthy of immortality. Although, this has never been proven. )

Self Defense

The Merrow's only use their singing for self defense, so if they see a human, the Merrow's will sing to 'Hypnotize' them and eventually swim away at any point when the chance is given. Although the humans have already found a solution to this, so they call, 'Problem'. The 'Merrow Hunters' use an enchanted necklace that prevents the melodies from hypnotizing anyone who wears the jewl.

The law in the Ocean World is still as strong as it was the day it was created, so they are pretty much defenseless. Although their tails are very powerful, it takes about 3-5 men to hold the net of a Merrow in the water, once they are on the Ship/Land, they are quite weak since they're unable to form human legs when their tails are wet. The hunters know of this 'problem' and don't hesitate to use it to their advantage.

Foolish Lies

Humans are told that these 'Monsters' are cold blooded and will do anything to kill you. Although there are very few people that say this is not true, they must keep their words to them selves because if you try to prove the King wrong, no doubt, will death be at your doorstep. Now the merrows are used as stories to scare children if misbehaved.


Merrows are becoming more and more rare, since most of them had to leave the shores and moved to small, abandoned islands which hold little food. Neptune (The God/King of the sea - Jacks father) has made it clear to stay away from one of the most dangerous islands ever known to exist. It's called 'Death Shore' hunters crawl there like mosquitoes, loading the place with their favorite fish, waiting for the next Merrow to appear. Some merpeople are foolish enough go to Death Shore, only for their fate to end then and there.

AN: I'm SORRY that it's so looonggg! Please don't kill meh ;-; *Gives cookie* but there are some parts that I can not explain in the chapters otherwise it'll ruin the flow of the story, so best you know now :D What do you think? Are you liking the plot line? It took me a couple weeks to FINALLY get this book out, since a LOT of research and imagination was put into this.

EG: Lady Maria (The woman Mark must marry) is a real person that was the first female to rule in the 1700's - Her characteristics are most probably very different in the book than she was in real life.

EG: I did some researching, trying to find out when mermaids were first discovered (1614) I also had to understand them a little more - They sing to attract humans. And so on :3

EG: This is getting annoying, sorry xD

Please Enjoy the story!


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