10: The Plan

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AN: There's something IMPORTANT I would like to adress that's been bugging me for a while now, I would really appreciate if you took your time to read this. As some of you awesome readers may know, it took an entire month to update chapter 9. That was because I had writers block. But the problem here is- there are a few people that (in a sense) order me to write more/update.

Now don't get me wrong, I love all you guys but some of you push me to my limits and only add more stress. Making this more or a task than a fun activity. I want to enjoy this so I literally left Wattpad for a month to clear my mind, and I got an idea! (Which is how chapter 9 finally came to mind) Just please don't push me to update, I appreciate how some of you are polite when approaching the question but it only makes me more stressed, causing shitty ideas to come to mind because of all the pressure. Anyway! I love all of you smol beans! I'm just asking you to understand from my point of view :)

Also, if you ever wonder what happens to updates just check out my 'Update' book! It'll give explanations as to why I haven't updated in a while so keep that in mind if you want to know more about updates on all of my books, it also features some books that I haven't even mde yet but have ideas for!


Crys P.O.V ~

Neptune's Castle ~

I stood there, shaking in fear of the Shark King as he and Neptune discussed the plan of attack. I don't know why Neptune made me stay here, but orders are orders. I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation as I stay a few meters behind them.

''So...then here?'' Kamohoalii asked with curiosity in his tone. Suprisingly he's a lot less terrifing when he's not mad, who would've known. (Note sarcasm) He was pointing on the map made of creepvine, where there were markings, showing the locations of the humans, QuickFins, other smaller islands- even Death Shore. I shivered at the mere thought of that horrid place.

''I suppose the only way is to allow them to come to us...'' Neptune said after a long sigh. My head snapped to him, my eyes wider than anyone else's.

''W-What?! They'll...they'll kill us!!'' I yelled frantically. Stuttering with my swimming as I moved back and forth rapidly. Neptune raised his arms as Kamohoalii stared, dumbfounded by my actions.

''Calm down Cry...I- We...would never let that happen. Trust me, you, all merrows and QuickFins are safe in our presence'' Neptune reassured me while guesturing to Kamohoalii. They both turned their attention back to the map.

''And then we strike. We kill as many as we can, drowning them would be the most effective solution...''Kamohoalii said with confidence as he gently banged his fist against the hard coral table, making me jump slightly. I didn't like the idea, and nor did Neptune.

''No! No! No!'' Neptune interrupted him while waving his arms dramatically. ''There will be no killing! It is agaisnt our law-'' Kamohoalii interrupted him.

All of a sudden I felt undoubtedly uncomfortable.

''Your law-'' Kamohoalii corrected him. ''-we don't have anythi-'' Neptune growled in anger as he too, inperrupted the shark man.

''This law applies to ALL sea creatures. And guess what! A SharkMan is considered as a SEA creature!'' Neptune said in defense, Kamohoalii knew that he was wrong so in return he glared at the Merrow king, showing his fangs as if to say I'm stronger than you. Tears were on the brim of my eyes as I barely managed to keep a hold of my self.

''P-Please...s-s-top...'' I whispered with a croaked tone as my voice was interrupted by sobs and hics. Both men had a quick look of guilt before talking in a normal tone, once again.

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