11: A Promise

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AN: I have no idea what kind of 'accent' these guys talk in so I guess I'm making it up as I go along xD Also, this chapter is kinda before the previous one, sorry it's all over the place ;D; Enjoy ~

Marks P.O.V ~

I stared out the window with a feeling of dread surrounding me. What could I possibly do to stop Dr. Felix? If I tried to go head on I'd get in big trouble since Felix now knows my deepest secret. Why was the world so cruel...Why couldn't I have just fell in love like any other boy out there. I sighed as I sunk further into my numb palm, feeling the tears wanting to escape but I was desperate to hold onto hope. There was no way I could give up on Jack so easily, I just had no idea how...

My own thoughts were interrupted by several guards men on horses who were closely followed by workers who were dragging large specialized merrow cannons onto one of many ships that were by the deck. My eyes widened in pure shock and horror when I saw Jack in human form being dragged and pushed by two rather bulky guards men. What made my heart sink even further down was what I saw on Jack's neck. A chain collar. They were treating him like an animal.

I felt a sharp pain in my heart, knowing I can't run up to him as I envelope his fragile build in a securing hug. I quickly stood up from the chair, sending it flying almost to the other side of the room before running full speed out of the castle. When I finally got out of a rather secret exit to prevent my self from getting noticed, I couldn't see any sign of Jack. Instead I saw Felix, taking a strong guess I'd expect Jack to be on the same boat as the man in charge of what ever mission they're on.

Looking both ways to make sure it was clear, I quickly ran up to some bushes that law near the beach sand, getting a closer glimpse of the weaponry they were dragging on the ship. I could only guess they were going to the nest of the marrows, but they don't know where live...right? Unless...Felix forced Jack somehow. I furrowed my eyebrows in distress before noticing an opening.

The two guards that usually guarded the entrance of the ship were too busy gawking at a pair of women with over sized breasts. Rolling my eyes I took this moment as an opportunity to sneak past and get on board.

I crouched with my hands on the ground for better mobility, feeling the sand beneath my fingers I took slow steps towards the ship. I had to be quick and quiet since I was now in plain sight. Maybe I could-

''HEY!!! WHAT IN GODS NAME ARE YER DOING?!'' A guard shouted at the top of his lungs as I almost fell over from the mini heart attack. I snapped my head to the direction of the voice and noticed he was yelling at a worker who seemed undeniably exhausted. The boy seemed to be around my age, if not younger.

''S-s-sorry sir...I-I was just...a little t-t-ired-'' The guards man interrupted his pleads for mercy.

''DOSE IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A RATS ARSE?! THESE CANNONS AIN'T GONNA MOVE 'EM SELVES!! GET YER FILTHY ARSE BACK TO WORK OR I'LL CUT YER BLOODY RATIONS!!'' He yelled upon the cowering boy who seemed to be on the verge of tears.

''P-Please sir...he was only a little worn out..h-he's just a boy sir-'' Another worker that happened to be a grown man protected the boy. Although the man was soon interrupted by a strong slap across the face from the guard. The boy whimpered in fear as he cowered backwards on all fours.

''I'VE HAD JUST ABOUT ENOUGH O' YER FILTHY SLAVES THINKIN' YOU CAN TALK BACK WITHOUT PERMISSION!!!'' The guardsman yelled at the top of his lungs with his rusty voice, thankfully the second guard noticed the commotion and walked up to them.

''EYY! Barney! Cut it out!'' He shouted to the other guard that seemed to be possessed by some demon. ''Lemmi deal with 'em 'ight?'' He said calmly as the other spat on the ground before heading off some other direction.

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