Night time

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Y/n pov

B/N was staying the night at me house before he goes house hunting in the morning. I told him he should live with me but he said it would be too much like it was when we were little. He's upstairs annoying p/n. While I'm down here making him a make shift bed on the couch! I yell"B/N!! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!!" He yells back"NO!" "IF YOU'RE NOT DOWN HERE IN 5 SECONDS, I WILL HURT YOUR PHONE!!" He runs down to me"You wouldn't dare..." I grab his phone" I would." I smirk. He lungs for his phone and I run around my house. I start yelling" YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!" He starts yelling insults that The author won't say.

Garroths pov

Dante, Travis, Laurence, and I were walking down towards Y/n's house too see if she wanted to hang out, till we heard her screaming and a male voice yelling rude name that the author won't say. We run to her house and I break down her down. We run into her living room to see her smiling and laughing with b/n sitting on top of her. She looks at us"How did you get in?" Dante replied"Garroth broke down your door!" B/n looks over at me then back at y/n"I see why you want me to live here." Y/n looks back at us"Why are you here at 10 at NIGHT?!" Us guys laugh nervously. "W-" I started to say till I was cut off by Travis" We came to see if you want to hang out sometime, cutie." P/n came running in the room when he said cutie. Y/n says to p/n" Aw Travis said your nickname." B/n gets off of y/n and walk up to us. He says in a whisper"Any of you dare to make moves on my little sister, you're dead." Y/n pushes b/n"Quit being a protective butt face!" She sticks her tongue out at him. She looks back at us"I would love to hang out TOMORROW! But right now I think y'all should be heading home." Laurence speaks up"Yeah we'll be here to pick you up by 11:00 tomorrow morning. Bye y/n and b/n" She smiles. The rest of us say" Bye y/n and b/n!" They both wave and say"Later guys!" We walk out and she closes the door. Everyone was quiet as we walk home. Laurence and I walk into our house to be greeted by Zane. Zane look ticked off."Where were you two?!" Laurence speaks up"Talking to y/n, why?" Zane looks even more tick than before"Why didn't you ask me to come?!" All I can say is"Um..a" Laurence saves me"We didn't know you wanted to come!" Zane looks like he's going to murder someone"You could of asked!" I basically ignore Laurence and Zane fighting. I go to my room and lay down. I wonder what y/n's doing right now.

Y/n's pov

"Noooo! Don't knock me into lava!!" "Long live the king." "B/N! Don't let me die!!" " Like I said, long live the King!!" He breaks the block I was standing on and I fall into the lava. I punch b/n in real life."You're lucky I made this world with host privileges on.." Yep were playing minecraft. I throw my controller to b/n, who's on the couch, and walk upstairs"Night, b/n!""Night y/n!" I close my bedroom door and get changed into my pjs. I climb into my f/c bed. I plug my phone in to charge and go to sleep

<Hi yeah! I made another chapter! Woo! I probably wont be posting for two days because I'm going to Kentucky on Tuesday and on Monday I have to pack. But I'll be writing chapters for this and my other story on the 16 hour car ride, I think. But there will be a new chapter on Wednesday, I know for a fact! Quick question, should I add my own OC or not. She won't take over the story with a love life like I've seen in some X readers. But I want to see if anyone didn't want her or wanted her in.See y'all later! Peace!>

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