The next day

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( Real quick authors note! I'm adding my OC for reasons. Reason #1. She is going to get dates set up for you and the guys. Reason #2. Reasons. Yep I'm the best at giving reasons. Any way on with the story!!!!)

Y/N pov

I wake up and look at my clock'7:00' Dang it! Woke up before my alarm! P/n is sleeping at the end of my bed. I sit there looking at her for a few minutes, then I get up to make breakfast. B/n is asleep on the couch, snoring loudly. I'm tempted to draw on his face but I won't today. He won't have a good house hunting trip if I do. I walk into my kitchen and start making BACON!!(Sorry if you don't like bacon!) B/n and p/n both run into the kitchen when the microwave beeped."Y/n, are you making bacon and not telling me?!" "Maybeee..." B/n put his hands near his heart."I'm offend!" He 'falls' on the ground acting like he's dead. P/n lays on top of him acting dead too."Alright, you two! The bacons cooling off. But if you're dead...." B/n puts p/n on the ground, then jumps up."I ain't dead!" "Whatever. Remember I'm hanging out with the guys today!" I throw some bacon on a plate and hand it to him."I'm going to get changed, don't eat it all! I'm looking at you, B/n!" I run upstairs and pick out and outfit. I quickly get changed. I look at my self in the mirror. Hmm I could use some new cloths. I'll do that later! I run back to b/n to see a plate with a few pieces of bacon on it. B/n starts talking"While I'm out hunting for a house, don't forget, I'm always watching!" I roll my eyes."Ok, cool! Why should I care if you're watching! I'm a good girl!" He pats me on the head" Most of the time." I punch him as he walks to the bathroom, to change. I start cleaning up the mess I made. He walks out of the bathroom and head for his keys."See you later, Sis!" I smile as he grabs his keys"Bye, bro!" He walks out the door and I here his car leave. Being me I jump up and grab my music! I start blasting f/s(Favorite song) I start singing along when someone knocked on my door. I run to the door to see the guys plus Zane standing there!"Hi guys!" I say as I motion them to come in. They walk in and sit on the couch. Zane looks at p/n and just stares at her."Um.. Zane, why are you staring at p/n weirdly?" He shakes his head and blushes" I was just in deep thought! Yeah!" "Ooooookaaay" I sit down on the floor and start moving my arms around like a two year old. Travis gets off the couch and sits next to me."Heyyy, Y/n" I push him lightly as I don't have enough room to move me arms! He moves a little as I move my arms. "So y/n, what do you want to do?" Dante asks me. I think for a second as p/n jumps onto my lap. I start to pet her"Could we go to the park?" I ask as I smile. All guys nod in agreement."Let me grab my shoes and p/n's leash!" I say as I jump up and run around my house finding those things. I grab my f/c pair of shoes and p/n's pink and f/c( if your favorite color is pink change it to blue) leash. I run back to the guys."What are we waiting for?! Let's go!" I yell. Travis grabs my hand. I blush a little as he says"We can't keep this beautiful lady waiting!" "My cars in the garage." Once I say that he pulls me to my car."I need my keys.." As soon as I say that Garroth comes in with my keys."I thought you would like to have these" he tosses them to me. I start the car up as the rest of the guys come to the car. Laurence was carrying p/n! So cute! He already had he leash on. The guys buckle up and I start backing out of the drive way"Y/n? Do you have a place I can put p/n? She's sort of scratching me." "Just pass her up to Travis. She loves to be up front." Laurence nods and passes her to Travis. I turn the radio on and f/s is announced to be coming up next. YES! I can sing to this! As f/s plays, I sing along. I start singing loudly. When f/s ends all I get are starts."Y/n that was AMAZING!" I could tell that was Dante. I blush a little"Thanks" "that was truly beautiful" "Thanks Zane!"
- Little time skip brought to you by TIMTIM!!-

"We're here!" I sing."Finally! I'm not letting you drive again!" Laurence says as he gets out of the car. I giggle"P/n loved it!" "She's a dog!" "She's a puppy!" I hop out of my car. I look around"PLAYGROUND!" I shout as p/n and I race over to the playground. "Y/n get back here!" Garroth shouts as he runs after me. I giggle and jump onto the swing set."Hurry up slow pokes!" P/n lays down in the shade as I shouted. The guys are about halfway toward me when I hear someone say"You never change, do you?" I jump off the swings and look to see a werewolf with purple ears and tail, brown hair and eyes."Sapphire?" She looks at me"Y/n?" I run and hug her."Where have you been?! I missed you!" " I've been working. I missed you too!" The guys run up. Zane asks"Who's this?" Sapphire looks at them"The names Sapphire! I've know Y/n since before for college!" She smiles. I introduce the guys"Sapphire meet, Travis,Dante,Laurence,Garroth, and Zane!" They wave. Sapphire looks back at me"You came to the park with a group of guys?" "Yes. But it's not like college!" She rolls her eyes"Sureeee..." I change to subject"So where you living?" "I don't have a place yet." "You could live with me!" "Really?!" "YASSSSSSSS!" "Thanks y/n! I'll need to get my stuff." "Before you go here's my address and new number" "Thanks here's my number! Later y/n!" Sapphire yells as she runs off. I smile. P/n ran up to me and I pick her up. I noticed p/n's leash laying on the ground so I walk to get it. I grab it. I stand back up when someone pulled me to the side. I look to see it Travis."What do you need Travis?" He hesitates"I-I want to see if you want to go on a date tomorrow?" I blush madly"Yes!" He smiles and holds my hand walking me back to the group.

(Hello people's! I wrote this so y'all would have something while I'm on the car trip. Don't worry Gene will come in soon! I wouldn't deprive you guys of Senpai! See y'all later!)

Butterfly(Lovers Lane X reader)Where stories live. Discover now