Christmas Time(Part 1)

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Y/n's pov

"Y/N!!! Wake up!!!!" Someone shouts beside me. I open my eyes to see Sapphire next to my bed pouting."What?" I ask groggily. "It's time for Christmas shopping!!!!" Sapphire shouts."I'll have to get dressed b/n coming too?" I say while sitting up. Sapphire nods her head and runs out of my room. I look at my phone. '6:30 a.m.' I'm swear those two get way to excited about Christmas. It's better than it was in college, though. I go to get dressed. I pull out an outfit

 I pull out an outfit

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(That's your outfit)

I curl my hair. After I do my hair, I put on a little bit of makeup(If you don't wear makeup just forgot that) I walk downstairs to see what b/n and Sapphire are doing. As I turn the corner, all I hear is"YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!!" "NO!! THE RECIPE SAID TO DO IT THIS WAY!" I take a deep breath and walk into the kitchen. Sapphire and b/n look at me and put the food they were about to throw back on the counter. Sapphire smiles"We made breakfast!" I roll my eyes and smile"You two fight way more than you should. You aren't even related!" B/n mumbles somethings that I couldn't hear so I sit down at the table. Sapphire put a plate of f/b/f(Favorite Breakfast Food) I eat the food.

Time skip to when Sapphire is ready

Sapphire finally came downstairs. She was wearing this

(Sapphire's outfit but the pink is now purple)

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(Sapphire's outfit but the pink is now purple)

"Ready to go?!" B/n whines. He was ready along time ago. He's wearing

 Sapphire nods her head an heads for the garage

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Sapphire nods her head an heads for the garage. "Come on, B/n!" I shout.he sighs and follows me to my car. P/n and Cupcake are still sleeping, those lucky puppy's. I start the car. Knowing b/n and Sapphire, they can't sit together, so I give Sapphire my keys so she can drive. B/n sits in the back and I get shot gun. Sapphire turns the radio up on a station playing Christmas songs . B/n sits on his phone as Sapphire and I sing along. (Song up top)

Time skip to when you get to the mall

We get out of the car and Sapphire pulls us to the mall."Sapphire, let go! We're coming!" I shout to her. She lets go"I just really want to start Christmas shopping!"I roll my eyes and walk into the mall. I turn my head looking around. Sapphire pulls B/n over to me"Where to first?!" Sapphire says jumping up and down. "American Eagle" I answer. She nods her head and starts walking towards the store, pulling b/n behind her. I giggle and run to catch up. We get to the store and when we're about to go in, when"I hear yelling" I say. Sapphire let's go of b/n and looks at me"Me too" b/n nods his head in agreement. Turns out it was just a couple arguing about something. Even though it's sad they are fighting near the holidays, we decided not to step in. Sapphire pulls me into the store to look at stuff

(Hey guys! I'm fixing up these chapters! I am not using any of the OCs I had gotten anymore. I'm sorry! It was too much for me to do and figure out! But once I fix up some of the chapters, I will start writing a new chapter)

Butterfly(Lovers Lane X reader)Where stories live. Discover now