Chapter 1

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He smiled as the little boy walked up to him, handing him a piece of his mechanical train. He took it and picked up the remaining parts of the kid's toy to attach it at the back.

"Here, kiddo," he smiled and unkempt his hair. "You want me to play with you?"

"Yes," the little boy said and held with his tiny hand his pointing finger, pulling him to sit on the carpeted floor.

He took his plane toy and pretended that it was flying, to tickle the kid as its main target. The little boy realized that his Dada would be attacking him and so he was already giggling even before it reached him.

The next minute they were already running around the house, chasing each other. The boy's laughter resonated around their home and he only slumped on the floor when he got tired. He was catching his breath.

"Okay, enough little boy. Mommy would be mad if she sees you tired. We do not want time outs, do we?" he smiled at his baby.

"Milk, Dada," he said.

"Okay. Let's stand up and find it," the older man said and offered his hand to the little boy. He took it and stood up to go with him. He pronounces bottles as bobbles.

"Nanay... Nanay puts it on my room and... and I have my feeding bobbles inside," the boy tried explaining the best way he can while stuttering.

"Let's go, bunny," he said and they went upstairs where his room is. He pushed the door open where he saw more toys scattered on the floor, and his bottles on one side of the room. "You do not put your toys back on its place?"

"Uhm..." the little boy took a deep breath and was thinking what he would say. His cheeks were blushing.

"No lies,"

"I'm sorry Dada. I'll... I'll clean my room... And I will put them on their box," he said while raising his right hand.

He laughed. "Very good. So, should I expect you to work on these toys after you drink your milk?"

"Yes," the kid answered. "Are you mad?"

"No. Dada's not mad. We just do not want your Nanay worry about these, right?"

"Yes," he politely obeyed and waited patiently for his milk to be made. After a short time, he was done making his drink and they retreated to the entertainment room. They sat on the black couch.

"Dada, what time is Nanay coming home?" he asked while biting the nipples of his bottle.

"You want Dada to call Nanay?"

"Yes," he said and stared at the television screen where they watched his favorite cartoon.

"I'm home!" they heard someone shout downstairs. "Cali! Nanay's home! I got you your favorite food!"

"Was that Nanay?" Cali asked him.

The two men immediately stood up from their seats. When she says favorite food, it meant pizza. They went down the stairs to see what she got.

"Nanaaaaay!" Cali screamed and ran downstairs, running happily.

She waited for him at the foot of the stairs and welcomed him with arms wide open. She gave him a tight hug and showered her only child with kisses all over.

"I missed you," she smiled at him. "How's my baby?"

"I'm okay," Cali said, a lot of thoughts racing through his mind, wanting to tell his Mom all that happened that day. "I played with my toys and Dada made me arrange my - "

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