Chapter 18

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They were all at the airport that afternoon. Seff was pulling his luggage, Raffy hers and Cali's, while Ethan carried Cali on one hand and pulled his baggage on another.

Their families went with them to see them at the airport. Amanda kept on crying while bidding his two boys goodbye.

"Wag na kayo mag-aaway dun," their mother said. "Wala kami dun para umawat."

"Tita, if they still argue, pareho ko silang pababalikin sa Pilipinas," she said.

"Tita pa din? Hindi ba dapat Mommy na? May apo na nga ako," she wiped her tears.

Raffy smiled and hugged her. "Thank you, Mommy."

Amanda hugged her back and kissed her and her son. "You both take care of yourself. Take care of my grandson. Gavin, say goodbye to your cousin now."

Binaba ni Ethan si Cali so he can bid everyone goodbye. He became closest to Raffy's dad.

"You take care of this," he reminded his grandson and placed his hands on his heart. "Okay? You know what to do."

Cali nodded. "I'll miss you."

"Me too. Don't give your Mom and Dad a hard time."

After a few more goodbyes, they all headed inside the airport to check in. They were leaving in three hours. They had two stop overs until they got back to Maryland. Seff drove his way home, the three of them took Raffy's car at the parking lot and drove home. Cali was tired when they got home and Ethan immediately tucked him to bed. Raffy was on the other side.

"Nanay? Where's my bedtime story?"

She smiled. "Tatay got one for you."

Ethan got alarmed. He wasn't able to prepare for it. When they were in the Philippines, it was Raffy who read stories to him. Raffy looked at him and told him to tell a story.

"I don't know anything," he mouthed.

"It's okay if there's none," Cali said calmly. "I'll just sleep."

"No babe, I have a story for you," Ethan said and cleared his throat. "O-once upon a t-time, there was a prince who met a girl who lived in a place where he ruled. He thought to himself, who is this girl? He wanted to know her but she was busy so the following day, he went back to see her. He found her selling... Uhm..."

"Apples," Raffy continued for him.

"Yeah... She sells apples and he went up to her to buy some. The girl didn't know it was the prince. He befriended her and from that day on, they saw each other daily. The girl still didn't know his identity and the prince was afraid that if she finds out, she would stay away from him. One day, the ruling king asked the people of his place to... To... Uhm... To prepare for the... F-feast, yes, the feast..."

"Nanay, I'm sleeping now," Cali said and kissed her good night. He lied down his bed and closed his eyes.

"That's it?" he whispered.

She smiled and signaled him to go out of the room. He said his good night before leaving.

"What? Is he mad at me?"

She smiled. "Just prepare a continuous one tomorrow night. Make him believe and see the palace in his dreams. It's okay."

The following day, the three of them went out and oriented him on the place. She taught him how to go to necessary places and where he could buy his things when needed. He was working far from home and hired an experienced manager before he decided to leave with them. It was hard, especially that he always had been hands on but he knew too what it was like not to have them with him and he wouldn't let this slip away again.

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