Chapter 7

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(His Thoughts)

Kung minamalas ka nga naman.

Why does destiny let these calls happen whenever I am around? Is this to slap it to my face that she is happy now and I am not? Or for me to see that I made the wrong choice?

She continued working as if nothing happened while I on the other hand got so disturbed I am no longer able to continue what I was trying to finish. When lunch time came, they went out of the conference room to take theirs. She declined their invite and remained focused with what she was doing.

"Aren't you going to take your lunch?" I asked her.

"No," she answered without bothering to look.

I remained where I stood. "That's why we have lunch breaks in common. In case kailangan ang opinion and expertise ng iba, they are all available."

"E di hindi ako kakain sa labas," she told me.

"Okay," I just decided to leave. Sobra na yung niyaya ko sya at tinanggihan nya ako. I went out of the room and decided to go out to buy lunch. I was about to push the glass door open when I saw my secretary. I went back to her.

"Sir? You need anything?"

Hindi ako agad nakasagot.

"Nothing," I said and walked back going to the elevator pero bumalik lang din ulit ako.

"Jen, please get the number for the resto where we order fish and chips. Have them deliver the usual," I instructed her before finally leaving.




(Her Thoughts)

I was busy with an outline inside the conference room while the rest went out for lunch for the past hour and I haven't even moved out of the chair where I am sitting right now.

Mayamaya, dumating na paisa-isa ang mga kasamahan namin. They were all asking me if I ate but I said no. I had breakfast before I left and since there are a lot of ideas running on my mind, I do not want to destroy my momentum.

We were still talking when Jen came in at nagbaba ng isang box ng pagkain sa harapan ko.

"What's this?" takang tanong ko sa kanya.

"Lunch, Ma'am," she answered.

"I didn't order anything," I told her.

"Yes Ma'am, Sir Ethan told me to give this to you," she answered. Agad namang napangiti yung mga kasama namin, halatang bumubuo ng issue. Eksakto na dumating si Ethan na patay malisya.

"I guess dumating na yung inorder mong pagkain," I told him.

"Really? Then good," he said and faced his laptop.

"I didn't ask for anything," I told him. Ayoko ng kahit na ano pa na galing sa kanya.

"I know. Kaso hindi ka pa kumakain so I asked her to buy you lunch," he said.

What he said made one of his employees tease him. He only laughed.

"Don't give malice. I just need to be nice. She's our client and at the same time, a family member," he said.

Nagulat naman ang mga ito sa sinasabi nya. Even me. I got confused.

Family member? Alam nya? Imposible. Hindi talaga pwede.

"Really Sir? It's not obvious since hindi namin kayo nakikita na naguusap ng madalas," one said.

"Ganun talaga. This is work so we don't deal with our personal lives," he explained.

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