My First Day

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  (Hey guys! This one is going to be a bit long people as I introduce you to some people and get you all caught up)

   Today was my first day at my new school. I promised myself that due to how my last crush ended, I won't crush again. So I went through my day not looking at guys by thier looks. Now I try not to judge people, and when I do, I do it based on their personality not just thier looks.

  Anyways by 2 hour, two guys behind me invited me to go to thier church tonight. I told them maybe. (I mean it's my 1 day and all) Throughout the day many people would say, "Hi new kid!" in the hall as I walked by, and I kept being bombarded by the same question, "Why did you move here?" So it was pretty much chill until 6 hour. (Same as my last school! And believe it or not it was my history class!)

  I just sat down after talking to the teacher about any paperwork needing done or anything as I start on my new class, when suddenly this guy walks in. He is taller then me, dirty greasy blonde hair, big hands, acne, and a skull ring. Wait a skull ring!! We make eye contact and I get a familiar feeling. Like I knew him. He stared back at me with confusion written all over his face.

"I feel like I know you!" I said racking my brain for answers.

"Yeah me too." He replied staring back at me for answers. I kept trying to remember when suddenly it came to me. He is from skiatook! I went there for 2 years before moving away. (The other book was based on my last school. Not skiatook)

"Robert!? From skiatook!?" I said excitedly. I haven't heard from anyone over there since I left. (Except my best friend)

"That's where I know you from! Man its been so long!" He shouted. I laughed and nodded. We began to get caught up with one another until class started.

At the end of the day I started walking to the busses when I see Robert standing there! I walked up casually behind him and "bumped" into him.

"Hey" I said laughing.

"Hey Fam!" He replied smiling really big. I looked at him and cocked my head to the side in confusion. But then I decided to just wave it off. Soon his "squad" or friends started walking up. Raymond and TJ. He introduced me to them as, "an old friend from skiatook. My skiatook fam" and so now when I'm walking in the halls and someone yells, "Hey fam!" I know why.

  He then proceeds to introduce me to this fellow. He is a little taller than me, short blonde hair, a bit chubby, beer gut type of deal, southern accent, and was wearing a belt buckle and cowboy boots. His name was Raymond. Soon after the introduction, Robert left to go home, leaving me with Raymond and TJ. 

   Now I already know TJ because he is my neighbor. We met a couple times while taking trash out, and when we moved he helped unload a couple of things. He is chubby, about my height, wears shades, boots, and talks like he wants to be a redneck. But right after, TJ left, leaving just me and Raymond.

    At first it was awkward. But we began to talk and he seems pretty cool. He is definately a redneck, and has some cool point of view on things. He stayed with me until my buss came. Which was cool but odd since my bus doesn't come until 30 minutes after school is let out. He is pretty nice and I think he is cool. But since I promised myself, I won't allow myself to get a crush on him.

(Any thoughts, opinions, or criticism?)

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