The Meeting

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   Today is still Friday but something odd just happened. I had an interesting talk with Raymond on the phone, well texting.

Hey sara I was wondering if you wanted to go bowling with me?

Umm... is this a date?

No just 2 friends hanging out.

Okay good. Let me ask my parents.
They said, "they ant to meet you before I go anywhere with you."

Okay when would they like they meet?
(What!? He is willing to meet my parents!)

What are you doing for supper?

Nothing I am aware of yet. Why?

We are going to go out to eat if you would like to go?


   So he came for dinner and my dad didn't kill him. Lol. Anyways it seemed to go pretty well. When he arrived I looked at my dad to see his expression. He looked Raymond up and down really quick, but I didn't see any disgust or disapproval in his face. I watched my dad closely all dinner, looking for any disagreeable or irratation. By the time it was all over I finally breathes a sigh of relief. No mishaps, and no judgements. I was glad.

*************next day**********

   Me and Raymond was talking and we both agreed that the meeting went well. We talked for awhile and he ended up coming over to play monopoly. I was a bit nervous, but told myself it would be okay. When he arrived it was awkward at first, but soon it felt like normal. He got along with everyone! My brother liked him, my mom liked him, and my dad! Then the best part was that, my little sister loved him! She kept climbing all over him and laughing. It was hilarious! She is 3 (in case you were wondering)

   After Raymond left I asked my family what they thought of him and they all said that they liked him! And then my dad asked me something a but odd and out of the blue.

"Sara are you dating him?" He asks me unexpectedly. I look at him and then after gathering myself, I answer.

"No! We are just friends!" I replied defensly.

"Oh. Well I wouldn't mind. He has a job, nice moral and he is pretty cool guy." My dad replied, then went back to playing his phone.

What!? My dad wouldn't mind!? My stomach became all flutterly, and I had to stop myself from blushing. What are you doing! I yelled at myself. You promised no crushes!

Hey guys so that happened! Anyways I promise this is all true, I did not make any up nor lie. Your thought on how this is going to work out?

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