My First Kiss

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    Today is Tuesday. Yesterday is when Ethan kissed my cheek well today something happened. I'm hanging with Ethan just talking by ourselves when he says his hands are cold. So I reach my hands out and he places his hands into mine. His hands were soft and cold and rested gently in mine. As I close my fingers over his hand's I look up into his eyes. I see a flicker of something and suddenly he is coming closer. He is doing exactly what Raymond did. But I wasn't scared. I did not freak. So I closed my eyes and felt his lips against mine. It lasted for a second. And then they were gone. But it happened. I look at him and see his entire face turn red. I watch as the redness spreads from his nose to his cheeks to his neck. He began to smile.

"That was legit my first kiss." I couldn't find anything else to say. It was the only thought in my mind. I just had my first kiss. I watch him as he tries to stop smiling but cant. It made me giggle. He turns to me and I watch as his face begins to look like a strawberry.

"What are you thinking about right now?" I ask trying to avoid an awkward situation and relieve any tension in the air. He turns to me and smiles really big.

"Hapliness. Pure happiness." I giggle. That was not what I expected to hear. I turn to him and stare into his eyes but then turn away ashamed. Did I just make a mistake!? What did I just do!?

(Hey guys so yeah that was my first kiss and we'll was that a mistake?)

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