He Admits It

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       It has been one day since the kiss. I can't really tell anybody about it because of everything, so I wasn't sure what to do. But there was something on my mind. Did he like me? I wasn't sure because yes he kissed me but, he has also kissed many other girls. I sat down thinking about that question and suddenly it was a like dam was opened up. Many more questions came flooding in and swam around my mind. Am I just another girl? If i get with him I will be hurting Raymond? How does this affect us? Is he wanting to date? What should i do? I sat there bombarded with those questions, but having no answer. 


   It has been 3 days since the kiss and the questions still are going through my mind. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to ask him. I went to some friends but they can't help in this situation. So I take a deep breath and text him.

Hey Ethan?


Do you like me?

Yea. A lot. Thought you knew.

Well I didn't know for sure. I was like yea he does but then was like nah he doesn't. Sorry

No you're okay.

     My belly became all fuzzy and I felt my cheeks begin to burn. He said he actually like me! I sat back and smiled really big. I have a crush on somebody who actually likes me back! But... now what? 

           Its been a week since the kiss, and I am still thinking about those questions.  Me and Ethan have talked quite a bit lately, and we have gotten to know one another pretty well. He can tell when I am upset when I am texting, he knows when I need advice without me even asking, and he can make me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. We have been trying to meet up sometimes, after all it is Christmas break, and then one day it happened! I was having a Christmas service at my church, and he came! We sat next to one another during service, and then afterwards he talked to my dad. 

"So, you are the wanna be boyfriend?" My dad asks him, sitting down across from us.

"Yeah.." Ethan responded, voice full of anxiety and worry.

"Well, you seem like a pretty chill guy, and you make her really happy so, it is up to her if she wants to date."  Ethan turns to me and smiles, blushing as bad as Steve Rogers.

"Would you like to date?" He asks shyly. I turn to dad and he nods.

"Yes!" I said enthusiastically, and I felt my cheeks begin to burn. Wow, this is weird, I feel so happy, and relieved, and just wow! After the Christmas dinner was finished we walked outside to his car, and he gave me a good bye kiss. 

(So, me and Ethan are dating. But not sure how long this will last.)

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