The Talk

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   Me and Raymond have talked throughout the day and met up at lunch. I normally eat with my friend, and so he just joined me and her. Anyways after lunch right as class started, I get an bizarre text from him.

Just want you to k how I lobe you

What!? I mean that is a strong word! I am not sure what to say! I mean we aren't even dating. We are just dating! So I decided to just kind of brushed it off. Perhaps he is just being funny?

K how? Know*
Lobe? Love*
Sorry I'm a grammar nazi

Oh.. just want you to know I love you

Now what? I mean I uh.... love is a really strong word. I vowed to my friend that I won't say I love you to anyone, unless I plan on marrying them!

Are playing or actually saying it?

I didn't know what else to say.. what could I say? I'm freaking out! My heart is racing and my stomach is full... full of.. full of what? I pondered that question but didn't know the answer. I waited an entire hour and half before he responded.

I actually meant it.

Okay okay... what's going on? I didn't know what to do, say, or feel! So I decided that I will talk to him about it after school. Before I knew it class was over and I was waiting for him in the front of the school. He finally showed and just as I was going to say something, a group of people came over.  They were Raymond friends, but they never come over and talk. After 10 minutes we both walked away, and more people came over. Two of them I knew and the rest no one knew. Like between me and Raymond. Then after another 15 minutes we slowly walked away, not drawing any attention to us, and as I opened my mouth to speak, the bus shows up. It made me a bit mad. I mean today is the only day he has off all week.... what am I supposed to do?

Oh! Saturday I'm going to go watch him play in the band! Maybe we can talk then! I sure do hope so..

(Hey guys! I need advice!)

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