Exactly twenty one years and six months ago twins were born, both were boys, and everything would have gone fine for Emily Gray if the second twin had appeared. But it did not, no sign of it anywhere, the child was not there. The doctor was astonished at this, he knew there was twins on the sonogram, and there was no doubt about it; but the second child never came. The first child stopped breathing and was rushed out of the room as quickly as possible leaving Emily and her husband Ted alone, though the baby was out of the room there was still crying, it took a wile to find out were the crying was coming from, but Ted did in fact find that the second baby had come after all. Ted reached down and picked up what appeared to be thin air but felt to him like a baby. He looked at Emily wide eyed, and Emily almost passed out with surprise, neither of them could believe what was going on. The baby was invisible, hidden from sight, it was indiscernible! There was a mirror in front of the bed reflecting the scene, but the only deference between the scene in the mirror and the scene outside the mirror, was that in the mirror the child was visible. Emily and Ted stared into the mirror and watched as their child sobbed, "we can't tell anyone," said Ted as he handed the baby gently to it's mother, "yes, I believe that is a wise choice," Emily said as she nursed the unseen thing. The doctors rushed back in saying that the first child was now breathing fine, and there had been no other complications with it. And the next days spent in the hospital was a bit of a challenge for the Grays, taking care not to reveal that their child was transparent. (The doctor was so upset from getting the pregnancy wrong that he quit his job, moved to Amsterdam and became a bike fisher.) The Grays arrived home and spread the bad news to their family and friends, Lauri and Lewis were just Lewis, and Lauri never happened.
Or so, that's what they told everyone
ParanormalWhat would it feel like to be unseen, invisible, indiscernible? what would you do? how would you live?