Chapter 4

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//I'm writing this chapter in the present and not as an entry, hence the title. When ever the title is chapter # its in the present.\\

I close my journal and sigh. I've been in my room for two days. So far I've only allowed Rhodey into my room. He wasn't on that mission so I'd feel bad for blaming him. Wanda comes to my door and talks to me though i don't respond, and the one time i left my room, in the middle of the night, i once again was met by Barnes.

I think everyone is worried that I'm going to do something irrational. I'm not, I want them to feel guilt ridden.
"Well i thought you would be happy being back" i look up to see Loki.
"I am its just that im angry."
"Why are you here?" I look at him.
He laughs and sits next to me, "I have some advice for you." I tilt my head slightly. "Sitting in your room is going to get you no where. I suggest leaving and going on your own for awhile."
I stand up, "You are absolutely right. I shouldn't sit around my room" he grins, "i should go out there and show them that i dont need them, im 18 and perfectly cable of taking care of myself." Why cant i control my words? What the hell? Loki stands up, smirking.

Third Person PoV
"Well then, go out there. Show them." Loki vanishes.
Scarlett stands there for a moment before getting ready. Unaware of what shes doing, she gets dressed. She puts on black skinny jeans, a white shirt, and combat boots. Along with that, she had put on her thigh holster. She made herself presentable.

Putting her phone in her pocket, she opened her door and stepped out. Scarlett looked around, before walking to the kitchen. A smile was plastered to her face.
"Glad to see you up and around. Whats with the giant smile?" Clint ask.
Scar turns to him, "i realized theres no point in staying cooped up in my room."
"OH MY GOD SHES ALIVE!" Tony yells.
Scar giggles, then walks out. She had taken the keys to Tony's lab. She pockets them.

In unknown area
"How pathetic, they know absolutely nothing. This will be interesting." Loki laughs. "And the girl doesn't even know"

*a few weeks later*
Scarlett's PoV
I've been unable to control my actions lately. Earlier i made Natasha cry. Natasha of everyone. I don't know what is wrong with me.
"Are you ok?" I turn to see Steve.
I want to say no im not, instead i say "never better."
"Thats not what i mean." Oh. "You've been acting differently, i understood why you were mad but then out of nowhere you're perfectly fine." Oh my god Steve thank you for understanding. "Is there something you need to tell us?"
Once again i reply with "not that i know of" instead of 'HELP! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TF IS WRONG WITH ME!!'
He nods before walking off.
Now's your chance to get back at them for what they did.
What the actual hell? I feel my fingers wrap around the cold metal of my gun. I try to stop myself from taking it out, failing miserably. Then i can't even see.
*mind-controlled Scarlett pov*
I slowly take out the gun. Cautiously, i exit the room i was currently in. I walk to the middle of the living room and stand there. Waiting.
"Whats with the gun? You know there's nothing thats going to get you, right?" Sam looks me up and down.
A mischievous grin etches into my face. I stand there waiting for the others, who show up in few seconds after sam contacts them.
"Scarlett put the gun away." Rhodey says.
"Put the gun away" i mock him.
I drop the gun. Why? Because im not going to Rhodey. Steve steps infront of him. He's looking behind me, i smirk. I swiftly sweep my foot behind knocking over, who i presume to be the Winter Soldier. I pick up my gun, shoot Natasha in the leg, same with clint. Wanda trys to get into my head, she ends up hurting herself. Vision goes to her aid. Leaving Steve, Sam, and Bucky. Tony was gone today, so was Bruce. Thor was taking care of business on Asgard.
"We don't need to fight." Steve says.
"I know but wheres the fun in that?" I jump ove a couch.
"Im not going to fight you." He states, Sam nods in agreement.
"Too bad." I throw a punch.
He catches it. I leap up, using Sam as a springboard. I land on Steve's shoulders, i achieved getting my hand back. I wrap my legs around him so my feet were behind his back. I then attempted to flip us over and send him flying into Bucky. It worked but i damaged my shoulder pretty badly. I was then fighting all three of them. Everything became black and white.
*original Scarlett PoV*
I could finally take control of my body again. It took me two seconds to register what going on. Enough time to dogde a punch. I don't know how this happened or what was going on. I rolled between Steve's legs. Bad idea. "AGGHH" i clutched my shoulder. "Fuck" i mutter. I look up, terrified. The three of them stand above me. I stumble upwards, backing away from them. I have no memory of how i got here or why they were attacking me. The last thing i remember is being in my room.
"You should have stayed there." Sam speaks out.
"Why are you attacking me?" Tears start to form, i blink them away.
"Us? You're the one who attacked us."
"I would never, you all know that!"
"Really?" Nat says using Rhodey for support. That draws my attention to them.
"Oh my god." I cover my mouth. I couldn't control my tears any longer. I look at my team.
The door opens and in walks Tony and Bruce. They look around stunned. They then see me. Bruce speaks first, "what happ..." Everyone was now looking at me. I was not a fan of confrontation. "Did you..." he motions around the room. I sunk to the ground, at this point i was crying so hard my whole body was shaking. Bruce walks over to me. He kneels beside me, "what happened?" He whispers.
"I dont know." I cry.
"You know exactly how you got here." Clint interjected.
"I DON'T! I don't even remember leaving my room." I whisper the last part. I look up, my eyes meet Bucky's. His expression was somber. I looked away. Mistake. I saw Wanda she was holding her head with her eyes closed. She was paler than usual. That was when i fully registered what had happened. I hurt my team. My family. I stand up and walk to my room.

Once i arrive, i quietly close my door and pull out my journal. Entry #4, September 15, 2015.

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