Chaper 4

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The next day at school I met up with my friends, meaning Lucas, Zay, and Maya, since Maya had to get there early. We agreed to meet by her locker. Todays the day I'm bringing Farkle with me and I am scared my friends won't let him hangout with us.

As soon as I get over there I know my hunch is right. Though the other guys don't seem to mind much, Maya immediately looks suspicious.

"What's he doing here?" she asks in an irritated tone.

"Hey," Farkle says defensively, "I've never even talked to you before."

"Exactly. We don't just let strangers into the group," she says trying to get him away.

That's obviously not going to work with me.

I roll my eyes. "Seriously Maya? You literally just let two strangers into the group not all that long ago."

"But that's different!" she insists.

The guys all awkwardly look at each other as if to say shit's going down.

"How? Is it different because you did it?" I ask, "Because that's the only real difference there is."

"Honestly, yeah," she replies, "I brought them in the group to be nice and because they actually want to be our friends, but this guy seems to just want to get in your pants."

I stop and stare at her. I can't believe she said that, my own best friend said that. Just because she's a little more on the social side than me doesn't mean that I can't make any other friends and introduce them to her.

"That's not true," Farkle interjects, "I want to be friends with Riley and I did with you. Now... not so much."

I scoff. "God Maya. You act as if the only people who would want to hangout with me are the ones who want to have sex with me."

"Well.." she says in a accusing tone.

I feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment and and narrow my eyes. "Then I guess me and my real friend will be going. See you around Hart," I spit at her.

I only stay long enough to see her jaw drop. Then I take Farkle's hand and march off toward our first period which is science. I let go of his hand when we get just outside the door and hold in a scream. The guy seems to notice and grabs my hand once more making circles on the back. This small motion seems to clam me down a lot.

"That happened really fast," he says with a light smile.

"Yeah," I agree.

"You know that I'm not being your friend just to have sex with you right?"

I nod. If he really wanted that he could have gone about it a much less complicated way.

"Okay good," he says. Then he continues, "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. If I had just kept minding my own business then you two would be talking right now."

I shake my head. "No. We've fought like this before. Don't worry," I lie.

He nods but doesn't look convinced. "Well, if you want, you can see how I live my life for today."

Saved Myself {Riarkle}Where stories live. Discover now