Chapter 10

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She jumped.

By the time I realized what was happening, she raised her arms and fell back.

I look at Maya and she's screaming. Zay and Lucas are frozen in place. I barely recognize my voice yelling for her to stay.

We all move towards her in what feels like slow motion.

By the time we get to the edge of the bridge she hits the water. Acting on instinct I call 911 because I don't know what else to do.

"911 what's your emergency?"

I take a drop breath and say, "My friend just jumped off a bridge and into a river and we can't tell if she's alive or not."

"Okay. Can you tell me where you are?"

"We're off of Pearson Road. Down the trail that leads off of it. There are signs that say Walkman's bridge. That's where we are."

"The police and paramedics are on their way to help you. Now, can you tell me about your friend?"

"Her names Riley Matthews," I tell her shakily. "She's a junior at Abigail Adams High. She's sixteen years old."

"Has she had suicidal thoughts or actions before?"

I stop and stare at where she was standing. "I hope not."

"Are you not sure?"

"Thank you for helping us," I whisper before hanging up against the dispatcher's wishes.

I lean over the railing to try and find her, but it's so dark down there. I can't see anything.

"I'm going after her," Lucas says while getting a grip on the railing.

"Don't you dare!" Maya screams while choking on sobs. "You don't know what's down there."

"Well we need to do something!" Zay tries to reason.

I just stare at the place where Riley was standing just moments ago.

This wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for me. I come in and mess with her life, and then try to fix the damage I'd done just to make everything worse. I've ruined everything. My whole plan is down the drain now, along with a precious life.

It feels like decades had gone by before I hear the ambulance coming. Once they arrive they ask us where Riley is and we point done in the river. They rush off just as the police arrive to ask us questions.

No we didn't know she was suicidal.

No we did not pressure her to jump.

Yes her parents know we were looking for her.

No we don't know if her parents knew she was suicidal.

Yes she is capable of swimming.

After the questions we sat down on the bridge together to find out what's going to happen next.

I look at all the dark trees casting creepy looking shadows on the bridge. The shapes are weird and would make any child scared, but I'm no child. I am not scared of pretend monsters and demons. I'm scared of the real ones inside of people's minds.

"Why did you bully her way back then?" Maya asks me.

I look down at my hands. "I don't want to fight right now."

She sighs and places a hand on my shoulder. "Then we won't. I'm just curious and need something to distract me."

I nod and look at them. "I liked her a lot. I knew a kind girl like her would never notice me, so what did I stupidly do? I tried to get her attention by hating on her. This year I realized my mistake and tried to make it up to her. Instead she jumped..."

I look away excepting them to hate me, but they just nod.

Zay speaks up, "We get it, that doesn't excuse what you did, but we understand why you did it."

I'm about to reply when an officer comes over to us.

"She's alive and on her way to the hospital. She hit the water and then went under, but came back up and floated downstream on her back. The river pushed her gently to some branches that kept her from floating away," she explains.

We all sigh in relief.

"Will she be okay?" Maya asks in a small voice.

"She'll live, but I'm not sure if she has any other injuries," she replies. "If you drove here I can escort you all to the hospital."

We nod and jump in Lucas' truck. Maya calls Riley's parents to tell them what happened. I just stare out the window and pray to whoever's out there to keep Riley safe.

And to fix my mistake.

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