Chapter 2

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Surprisingly, the new seats have been a good thing for the most part. Zay, the guy behind me, is actually really sweet. Unlike the guy behind Maya. That guy is a total jerk, but Zay insists that he just needs time.

I haven't had anymore encounters with the mysterious boy. I haven't even seen him once since. Maybe he's hiding in the shadows somewhere creepily watching from afar.

"May I sit here?"

Maya and I both look up to see Zay and the other boy. I don't say anything, but Maya tells them to go ahead.

I stare at them and ask, "Aren't you guys jocks?"

Zay smiles and nods. "I guess you can call us that. We play baseball."

"Then why sit here? If you haven't noticed we aren't exactly the cool kids," I persist.

"Zay dances. The guys just found out and didn't exactly aprove," the brooding kid explains.

Maya raised an eyebrow. "You dance?"

Zay grins slightly. "Well I'm quitting this year because it interferes with school. Can't deny my future, I guess, with scholarships on the line."

I look at Maya and nod slowly. That makes sense. There's just one thing that doesn't.

"Well if Zay's the one that got booted from the table, why did you leave?" I direct at the other one.

He looks up and shrugs. "He's me friend. I'd do anything for my friends."

Maya sets her work to the side and smiles at him. "What's you're name?"


We said our hellos when the bell rang. I'm ready to go to class except Maya stops to tell the guys that we sometimes meet at Topanga's after school if they want to come. They agree immediately and we all head to class.

"Maya, why did you invite them?" I mutter.

"Because it might be nice to have a few more friends."

I can't argue with her because she's right. It would be really nice to have more friends.

School finished in the blink of an eye and we are now at Topanga's in our usual spot except we now have new additions to our area.

"So why do you guys do homework here?" Zay asks.

"My mom owns this place," I reply without even looking up.

Lucas stops doing his work and looks at me. "Really? But this is like a go to hangout place for AAHS students."

I look up and glare at him. "What's your point?"

He puts his hands up in defense. "I mean if your mom owns this place, you have an in with the 'cool kids' I guess."

"Well I don't want to be one of those people," I say slowly so he understands.

He narrows his eyes then goes back to his work.

I stand. "I'm getting a smoothie," I tell them.

"Get me a muffin," Maya says to me.

Nodding, I walk off to order.

"Hey Katie. Can I have my usual plus a muffin for Maya please?"

Katy smiles kindly. "Of course. I'll be right back."

I stand there and wait for her to come back with my order.

"Nice day isn't it?"

I turn to my right to see the boy from the hallway. I'm mixed with feelings of happiness and nervousness when my eyes meet his.

"Who are you?" I ask slowly.

He fixes his beanie and shifts a bit making me wait for an answer. "I told you already. I go by-."

I cut him off. "Yeah, Minkus. But what's your first name? And how do you know stuff about me that few people know?"

"My names Farkle," he stops to look at me and when I don't say anything he continues, "And I like to pay attention to the people with kindness in their hearts."

"So why pay attention to me?"

Farkle turns towards me and before I can say pulls me towards him. "I never tell people things like this, so believe me when I say that you truly have a heart of gold," he whispers.

Before he can pull away I lean towards him and quickly respond, "People lie. How the hell should I know if you're telling me the truth?"

The guy moves his head so that our foreheads are touching. "I'll prove it."

"When?" I ask in a childish tone as I move back from him.

"Tonight," he whispers. After that he turns around and walks out he door.

I turn back to the counter to see a smirking Katy. "Who was that cute boy?"

I take the drink and muffin from her. "A... friend."

"Well he's a very cute friend," she informs me.

I go back towards the group and smile to myself. He is pretty cute. Plus his name is so unique.

But the only thing my mind can focus on right now is what Farkle said. How is he going to prove it tonight?

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