Chapter 6

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Shit. I really need to stop being so freaking optimistic.

Once school ends Farkle meets me at my locker.

He gives me a dorkish smirk, if that's even possible, before helping me with the rest of my stuff. I thank him and we start to walk out.

"So how was the rest of your day?" I ask.

The boy shrugs. "I mean boring to say the least. It wasn't as bad as it could've been I just-"

"We have to go to Topangas's right now so that I can talk to Maya," I cut him off.

We step outside and all he does is nod and lead the way to the cafe. I'm happy that he didn't get mad or anything, but he doesn't even seem the least bit surprised about it.

"You don't seem surprised," I state.

He adjusts his beanie and laughs. "Well you guys are the best of friends. I figured this would happen sooner or later. You guys will make up and you and I will never, ever talk again."

"That's not true."

"Right and the tooth fairy is real," he snaps back with an eye roll.

"Hey," I say, "She could be real there's no proof against that."

Farkle turns his head to look at me and just smiles. I know that he's thinking that I'm adorable or something like that, but I just roll my eyes at him.

I'm about to reassure him that I'm not going to just drop my friendship with him when I realize we're already at Topanga's. Farkle opens the door and lets me in first like a gentleman should. I spot Maya and the rest of the guys sitting at a booth. They're all laughing and talking and it makes me feel really awkward to go over to them.

We go over to them and I clear my throat to let them know that I'm here.

Maya looks over at me and smiles at me. She seems to have been waiting for me to arrive.

But let me be clear that she definitely did not smile at Farkle.

"Let's move to the couches over there," Maya tell as she points to a cluster of couches by the entrance.

Everyone goes over and arranged themselves. Farkle and I in the chairs to the left, Maya and Zay across from us, and Lucas alone in the chairs between us.

Maya clears her throat before saying, "Look I get why you're mad at me. I had no right to say what I said, but please understand why I said it. I swear I didn't mean to come off as some control freak, I just didn't know how to tell you that I don't want him around."

"Well why didn't you want him around?" I question her.

Her blue eyes glance at Farkle then cut back to me. "I have my reasons, but bottom line I'm sorry."

I look between Farkle and Maya and slowly nod. "I accept your apology peaches," I say happily.

She smiles and replies, "Good because I missed you Riles."

We get up and hug each other tightly warning some awwwwws from Zay.

We pull apart just a bit when Farkle stands, "That was truly lovely, and, don't get me wrong, I did want you guys to make up because Maya is key to keeping Riley happy, but I think this is my que to go."

I turn and shake my head, "I don't want you to go. You can stay and be part of this group if you want."

"Riley," Maya cuts in, "I'm cool with you being friends with him, but I just can't."

I'm about to say something when Farkle speaks up, "That's okay. I get it. I guess I'll just see myself out."

He starts walking towards the door, but I stop him. I turn to Maya. "What's your problem?" I ask her again.

She shakes her head when Lucas chimes in, "I'm sorry, I just can't watch this anymore. I was told that Farkle's the person that started the rumors about you in middle school."

I look at Maya and she looks away. Farkle does that same thing.

My breath gets lodged in my throat as I remember the awful things said about me. That I smiled too much and was too helpful. Too smart and too caring. Just too much of everything good.

I look at Farkle and beg, "Tell me it isn't true. That this is all just one big misunderstanding.

His blue eyes slowly meet mine. That's when I know it's the truth. He stutters out, "I'm so, so sorry Riley."

I turn to Maya and feel anger. She should've just told me. That's what friends do. They warn each other when there's something going on.

I scoff because I don't know what else to do. "I don't need to hear anything else. Right now I don't need to be with either of you. If I have to choose, I choose myself."

And with I storm out leaving them in an angry silence.

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