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"C'mon [Y/N], let me try!" a voice whined from above you, a bony hand dangling in front of your face.

"One second..." you murmured, eyes narrowed in concentration.

"You said that ten minutes ago!" Sans protested and jumped down from the bunk bed. He watched your hands fly across the colored cube in a series of patterns until you threw it onto the ground, satisfied. "How did you do that?!" he gasped, poking the now solved Rubix Cube.

You shrugged, the top of your lips twitching slightly. You leaned against the hard, green brick wall. You couldn't help but shudder at the cold sensations that jolted down your spine. Everything is wrong about this place, you thought.

You weren't quite sure of your origin. Like Sans and Papyrus, the earliest memory you had was waking in a suspended tube. A figure that referred to himself as Gaster came from time to time, analyzing any sort of movements you made.

A loud noise awoke you from your trance. A figure was hunched over in front of the door, sliding three trays under a metal flap. You felt a wave of nausea at the brown, unappetizing food before you. Sans and Papyrus shouldered their way past you, wolfing down their portions like starved animals.

"How can you stand that?" you wrinkled your nose in disgust and picked up a long, brown tendril. You forced it down your throat, feeling the strong urge to vomit as it slowly trudged down your pipeline.

Sans shrugged and took another mouthful. "It's not that bad [Y/N]," he muttered. Papyrus nodded in agreement.

The door swung open, colliding with the brick wall. You winced at the echo and narrowed your eyes at Gaster who loomed three feet above you. Unlike the rest of you, a white, pixelated veil shrouded his face. What do you have to hide? you wondered as he silently motioned for you to follow him.

Along the way, you began to make a mental note of your surroundings. If the opportunity presented itself, you wanted to know the best method of escape. He led you to a white room from where he fastened you to a silver table. Your heart began to race as he brought out a collection of sharp needles. "This will not hurt," he began, his voice at a monotone level, "as long as you remain still."

* NOTE: [S/D] stands for what you have as your soul design.

You spat a series of insults towards him as he swiped his hand upwards. A [S/D] heart floated into view, directly above your chest. Gaster took a needle and began to cut several portions off. You hissed as chills racked down your spine. "What is the point in any of this?!" you spat as he placed two fragments of your soul into a vile of red liquid.

Immediately, the began to fuse together to form a small heart. "What is that?" you asked, angered by the fact Gaster refused to answer your questions. He grabbed you by the arm and threw you back into your cell.

"Jerk," you murmured and flicked your hand upright, bringing your soul into view. Small portions of it were missing. Sans eyed it with curiosity, his eyesockets going dark.

"Where's Papyrus?" you asked, searching around the small room for the energetic skeleton.

"One of Gaster's assistants summoned him a few minutes after you left," Sans explained and brought his knees to his chest. "Something is wrong, isn't it? The tests have become more frequent. They're becoming more desperate."

You stared at the ground, memories replaying through your mind. Only a week ago had Sans returned from some sort of failed experiment. Half of his skull had been fractured. Most of the time he was unconscious and you had gotten little sleep the next three nights, afraid that if you closed your eyes, he would shrivel into dust.

You couldn't help but feel the same anxiety for Papyrus. What kind of horrors would they unleash upon him?

Your fears were answered by the ear-piercing scream that echoed down the hall.

Fall of the Empire [ Sans x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now