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"I locked the darkness away, I did it all for you. Why can't you see that?"

~ Present Day ~

Frisk walked through the desolate climate of Snowden, shivering slightly as a harsh breeze through by. She couldn't help but feel the familiar numbing sensation of being watched - the uncertainty hammering itself inside your mind, urging for her to run, urging her to hide.

She passed by a stick without much thought. A few seconds passed followed by a loud snapping noise. Carefully, she turned around to view that the stick had been shattered like it was nothing. Whose there? she projected the mental thought outwards, hoping that someone would respond.

But nobody came.

Again, Frisk felt like she was being watched. Only this time, she knew who it was.


There was a faint laughing sound, similar to the sound that is made by nails screeching against chalkboard. Frisk let out a small whimper, sinking to the snow and allowing the wet substance to dampen the few articles of clothing that hadn't been burned or torn.

Leave me alone! Frisk objected, hoping that the determination behind her demand would be enough to drive the foul entity off. But yet, the paralyzingly numbness refused to cease from her mind.

The sound of footsteps echoed throughout the forest, ones that seemed much more material than the demon that had been plaguing Frisk the moment she had cast herself into the gaping pit that seemed to lead to nowhere. I just wanted to die, she thought miserably, silently urging the approaching monster to simply vanish. I just wanted the nightmares to end.

Visions, perhaps, would have been a more proper term to describe the onslaught of events that had ravaged through Frisk's mind. She couldn't think of any event in her life in which she could have earned such a divine punishment. Frisk had been living in the city orphanage as long as she could remember.

She had been the child that potential adopters looking for a child turned their backs on. It wasn't that she had been strange - Frisk was far from that. It had been the feeling of an extra set of eyes, an extra presence that seemed to urge them away, a presence that they certainly did not want to bring home.

The visions had begun two months ago. The same scenes had replayed in her mind over and over again. Events that took place within a laboratory, mountains upon mountains of bodies of the failed laboratory experiments. And then there was -

Sans, Frisk thought turning around to face the skeleton that stood only a few feet behind her. She couldn't help but feel a primitive desire to be with him, an urge to comfort him as if she had known him her entire life.

Could it be possible to know a monster?

A brief moment of recognition flashed across his face, as if he too shared the same urge to be with Frisk. But Sans pushed such thoughts aside, it was impossible to know a human upon their first meeting.

"Human," he whispered, the sight of Frisk bearing a sense of relief to him. What else had he been expecting other than a human? The monsters that resided in the Ruins never left unless -


- Toriel had decided to leave.

There was something about this human, the way their eyes seemed to change from their current shade to [E/C] if the human shifted their head ever so slightly, or the way Sans would catch the faint [H/C] streaks, as if this human was a glaring reminder of his past.

"Don't you know how to greet a -" Again, Sans has to fight off a wave of nostalgia. The word old had seemed the most appropriate to complete the sentence, but he had never lain eyes upon this human before. He suppressed a shiver, the habitual response one may do when they feel an extra set of eyes observing them - the sudden movement in the corner of your vision that you can never quite catch.

"New friend?" he completed the sentence, wincing at the forced tone. The human seemed to square their shoulders, hardening to the sense of nostalgia and belonging that they too shared to the Underground.

Frisk, a harmonic voice rang through Sans' mind. He stiffened for a moment, quivering before the power that seemed to radiate from the human. Sans had met plenty of humans that had fallen in his lifetime, but all of them -

(had been human)

- lacked the determination that this one possessed.


The human shrugged, dismissing the revelation of their telepathic ability. Sans reluctantly trailed after -


Frisk. He failed to point out that they seemed to know every route within Snowden, perhaps the entire Underground if they lived long enough to venture through it all. A part of him had already completed the mystery that surrounded Frisk and a part of him was urging them onward to the laboratory where
he could -

[Five years ago]


Sans winced at the harsh tone of Papyrus as his wail echoed across the empty landscape of Waterfall. Though he had already come to terms that his brother was a hallucination (no matter how many times [Y/N] had assured him otherwise), an instinctive part of him urged his holographic brother to be quite.

Though the Royal Guard lacked no chain of command in which a search party could be organized to hunt them down, other things were certainly looking for them, whether they be in this dimension or the next.

"Be quite!" Sans hissed, casting a nervous glance over his shoulder. "[Y/N] will be back soon. They went on a supply run."

"HE'S COMING FOR US!" Papyrus spat and began to convulse violently, his small form thrashing in the tall grass that would conceal them from onlookers. "AND WHEN HE COMES, THERE WILL BE NOTHING. ONLY DARKNESS. HE WANTS IT ALL TO BURN!"

And perhaps if Sans had been able to view the fifth dimension that ran parallel to his world, he would have seen the disfigured form of Gaster bent over Sans, whispering to him things that were yet to come, and of the never-ending darkness that would sail their world into oblivion.

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