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"[Y/N], wake up! They're coming for us!"

You let out a small moan and hissed slightly as you opened your eyes. You had been having a particularly good dream about a cheeseburger (even if you seemed to vomit every ounce of dairy that entered your stomach). "There better be a good reason for this. That cheeseburger wasn't going to eat itself - " Your complaint stopped abruptly at the sound of voices coming from outside.

"Some foul creature murdered my son! I won't stand for this! The Royal Guard is supposed to protect us, not lounge around and watch monsters pick themselves up one by one!" a shrill voice piped within feet from the box that the three of you resided in.

Sans was pressed close to you, his body shaking as the unidentified monsters inched closer to your residence. You assumed that the owner of the shrill voice was the mother of the rabbit child you had murdered. Regret? Guilt? I feel none of those, you chuckled to yourself, earning an uneasy side glance from Sans. The Royal Guard is supposed to protect us? They did a pretty good job of keeping us trapped in the lab, that's for sure.

"We are doing everything we can to track done the murderers," a deeper voice replied. The tone of his voice suggested that he could care less whether or not monsters stabbed one another to death as long as it didn't involve him or any form of paperwork.

Without noticing, your jaw clenched at this. The entire fabric of the Underground's society was deteriorating. The Royal Guard could care less about the affairs of the monsters and they had no ruler to rule them. The king had been content with locking himself up in his castle ever since the death of his family.

Your left hand instinctively clutched a shard of glass that had been placed near the entrance of your makeshift house, a precaution if an event such as the one you were undergoing right now were to take place. I made a vow to protect Sans - After a moment of hesitation you added, - and Papyrus the day I killed Gaster and rescued them from the lab. Even if it means I have to kill every monster in the Underground for them.

"What the - " the deeper voice mumbled, taking a step closer to the barrels of trash cans that disguised the cardboard box. You bit the tip of your tongue, adrenaline rushing through your veins. Kill, the word was engraved into your very existence.

Please stay asleep Papyrus, you prayed silently as the holographic skeleton stirred in his slumber. You could register the sounds now of the trash cans being pushed aside, the member of the Guard having taken notice of the strange box that seemed to be too well taken care of to be just a regular box in a dumpster.


With a strangled cry, you leaped from your crouched position and flung yourself onto the soldier. He let out a grunt of surprise and toppled into the snow. You fought back a string of profanities as his armor landed on your right foot, an audible cracking noise echoing off the molding brick walls of the dumpster.

"MURDERER!" a tall rabbit woman was hovering over you. She clutched a purple handbag which she began to bash at your skull with. You let out a hiss and slashed the glass shard wildly through the air, feeling a sick sense of triumph as it landed into her flesh.

With a shriek, the rabbit woman pulled her injured arm away from you. You turned your focus back to the soldier, who, with a decent smack to the head, was rendered unconscious.

"Sans, close your eyes," you whispered, not bothering to look back at the wide-eyed skeleton behind you.


You wiped a stream of blood from your mouth, tensing at the hot, metallic taste that filled your mouth. You couldn't help but groan silently as several of your muscles screeched in protest as you got to your feet. Your right foot had been shattered from the initial impact of the soldier's armor. The rabbit woman had put up much of a fight, most likely having broken a rib or two of yours.

You buried the glass shard under the snow-covered ground and gently picked up Papyrus and tucked him into your faded [F/C] bag. Sans was silent as he reached out his hand to you, which you accepted. Silently, the three of you left the alleyway and stood in the vast settlement of Snowden town.

You assumed that for the monsters it must have been night due to the inactivity. You froze suddenly at a figure who seemed to be leaning against a lamp post, barely illuminated by the harsh, yellow street light.

Though he was mutilated almost beyond the point of recognition, you could identify the maniacal hatred and insanity anywhere. Gaster's face seemed to be melted as if he had experienced an extraordinary amount of heat - lava did have that affect on people. Cracks ran down his skull, injuries he had earned during his fight with you.

You're never going to be safe [Y/N], his deranged voice thundered in your head. Sans seemed to stir slightly at Gaster's presence but otherwise remained unaware of the Royal Scientist.

Stay away from us, you retorted, narrowing your eyes at his harsh laughter that followed.

The handplates, they truly are my best invention yet. When you think that you are safe, I will return and take everything you ever loved away from you.

I won't let that happen, you vowed.

We shall see.

Already you could feel Gaster's presence slipping away from this world, retreating into whatever dimension he now resided in. But before he vanished completely, you could hear the last thought he relayed to you.


Fall of the Empire [ Sans x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now