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Sans was walking through the desolate forest of Snowden, a routine he had done so many times before. However there seemed something urgent about today, something that pushed him onwards. "COME BROTHER!" Papyrus screeches ahead of him. "SURELY THERE WILL BE A HUMAN TODAY!"

He grimaced at the poor replication of his brother. He had long since realized that his brother had died and that the being before him was a faulty attempt of [Y/N] to cease his grieving. They had disappeared over five years ago without a trace, offering no reason as to why.

Sans had his own theories. His nightmares of Gaster had been cut short after [Y/N]'s disappearance and he couldn't help but wonder if they had a role in this.

He watched from afar as the door slowly creaked open, the gate from the Ruins to their snowy world. The familiar head of [H/C] hair bobbed up and down. Could it be? He felt excitement rush through him and he pushed past Papyrus, racing towards whom he could only hope to be [Y/N].

They won't remember me, he thought to himself as he came to a halt. There was a foggy gaze in this human's eyes, like they couldn't quite remember their past. However, they resembled [Y/N] down to the last detail.

"Sans?" Their voice was weak, uncertain.

"[Y/N]?" he asked hopefully, knowing that it was a long shot, that there was never any happy endings in the Underground.

"My name is Frisk." They straightened their posture, suddenly more sure of themselves. "It was nice meeting you!" Frisk exclaimed and pushed past him, determined to continue onwards throughout the Ruins.

Sans remained kneeling in the snow for a moment, unsure what to make of this. Here, he was given a new chance, a new reincarnation of [Y/N]. Slowly but surely, they would come to remember him, right?

It was a new chance.

Or a cold reminder of what could have been.


Fall of the Empire [ Sans x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now