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D. Pov

I woke up to my phone going off.

A message from Phil. A suicide note.

I bolted up right with heat in my eyes and all I could think to do was wake up Logan.

"Logan" I whispered, shaking his sleeping body.

"Dan," he groaned through his sleep, "go back to bed,"

"No Logan wake up it's serious,"

He sat up and looked at me. He was ready to say something snarky but he saw I was crying. He pulled me into a hug and let me weep into his bare shoulder.

"Hey, Dan what's wrong?"

"Phil is gonna kill himself. He's probably already dead,"

He rubbed my back slowly, "why, what makes you say that?"

"He's like you were. But worse Logan. You were no where near as bad. And he sent me a suicide note. Logan he lives 3 hours away. He's gonna die and I can't say goodbye. Logan I love him so much,"

Logan jumped at my last sentence.

"You love this boy?" Logan questioned.

"Mhmm," I hummed, "he's my boyfriend,"

Logan nodded.

"I'm gonna take you to him,"

"You will?"

Logan let go of me and wrote a note to mum, dad, and Adrien.

Mum, dad, Adrien, we left for Lancanshire at 2:30 am. Dan's friend is on his deathbed and I can't stand to see him crying. I'm going to drive him there and back. We are going to make sure his friend is safe and we will come home. We're going to be okay. We love you. Love Logan and Dan Howell

"Get in the car squirt. We are leaving now,"

I sprinted to the car with hitching breath.

I was sobbing in the car while I was waiting and the whole way there.

"Dan you need to stop crying," Logan pleaded me when we were about 15 minutes from the hospital.

"I-I can't," I sobbed.

All I could think was

You caused this.

He's already dead.

If you had one more day.

Why does he think you don't love him?

"Okay we'll try to breathe," Logan insisted.

We reached the hospital and checked him.

"I'm sorry sirs, but only family can see Mr Lester and his mother won't be here for another hour,"

It was 5 am. Dawn. His mum had just gotten home from work, found the note, and gotten the call. She said she'd be there as soon as she could. But the hospital was 45 minutes away, not adding traffic.

"He barely has family!" I finally screamed, staring at the lady with blazing eyes, "I am the only person that loves him all the time. So you better let me in there before we have issues,"

"Daniel calm down!" Logan scolded.

The lady sighed, "fine but if I get fired it's on you,"

She murmured a few other things as she led us to Phil's room.

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