BSM: He likes your twin more (calum/4 part 2)

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It's been a week. A week where you had been free from the constant feeling of disapproval you had felt from everyone in that shitty house that others called home.
38 missed calls.
10 voicemails.
13 text messages.
You finally got your number changed because you were tired of all the fake sympathy you knew you were going to get. They never gave a damn before, they didn't care until you were gone. It pissed you off.
You didn't feel a pang of guilt or sorrow, you were just glad to be away from them.
You missed zack though, zack always tried to stick up for you but it was no use. Your mum was okay as well, she just ignored it. She didn't know it was this bad though so you weren't going to hold a grudge.
Your cousin had tried to convince you to go back and talk it out but you had told him that just "talking it out" wouldn't fix anything so he let it go.
Back to present time, you found yourself needing some fresh air after hiding out in a small apartment complex for the duration of 7 days. You took the 12 second walk across the street to the park to get the fresh air you desired. You sat on the swing and slowly pushed yourself off the ground, moving your legs to get the swing enough momentum to go auto pilot so you wouldn't have to put in anymore effort.
The feeling of the relief washed over you as you felt your muscles and joints lighten themselves as you just sat there swaying with the wind. The cool breeze blew the autumn leaves along the sidewalk where you seen a man walking with his dog. You smiled, you loved it out here.
Your moment and a half had been interrupted,
"Y/n?" Someone asked from behind the swings. You slowly peered over your shoulders to see Michael, one of you Calum's mates. You had never gotten close to his friends, he didn't want you to annoy them like you did him. You never really got the chance to get to know him but he always seemed like a chill dude to you.
"Oh. Hey mike, what're you up to? Why you in Melbourne?" You asked hoping he didn't know you had ran away. He looked at you and hesitantly sat down. You just began to swing nonchalantly, trying to suppress the awkward tension that had cases itself upon the both of you.
"Y/n.. You're really far from home," he chose his words carefully, he knew about the whole situation, in fact all of the boys did. Calum had cried to them about you the whole time you were gone and there was even a search party between them going on. Michael just couldn't believe you went as far as Melbourne. You toyed with your fingers and looked down. "No I'm not, my house is just across the street there," you pointed to your cousins room, you were being a smart ass and you knew it. He sighed while trying to think of a way for you to go back to Sydney with him.
"He misses you." He said, "Calum misses you a lot, y/n." He stated. You rolled your eyes.
"He can miss me all he wants. Doesn't change the fact I don't want to be any where near him. No contact with him is the best thing that has ever happened to me." You replied factually. Michael looked over at you.
"Look y/n, I know how Calum treated you was shitty-" he began. "Shitty? He made me contemplate a sex change. A damn sex change, Michael! All because he wanted two brothers and not a brother and sister." You countered. He just shook his head. "Cal's an idiot." Mike Said. You just chuckled and shook your head, "that he is." You breathed.
"But he still misses you, he wants a chance to apologise for treating you the way he has. I'm surprised I actually found you, we all thought you flew to Japan or something. Let's just take you home so Calum can clear all of this and tell you how sorry he is," Michael tried. You looked at him and instantly seen how desperate he was. You only sighed.
"Fine," you agreed. "Let's go hear some lame ass excuses." You say standing from your seat and leaving to pack your things.

There will be a part three in the future, but for now I'm heading to bed. Love you guys❤️❤️

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