Princess Jin Over Food - EP. 1

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The sound of the done kettle filled the small apartment with whistling noises as you make your way to the kitchen and turned off the stove.

Pouring the hot, steaming tea into a mug, you closed the lid and make your way out of your apartment.


Walking down the flowery alley of all your beloved it neighborhood, they each came out to greet you happily despite it was early in the morning.

MUFFIN LADY: "Good morning, Y/N-ah! Here is your chocolate chip muffin. I put in double chocolate chip just for you."

You grabbed the bag that she handed over the counter to you.

YOU: "Thank you, Mrs. Kim. I'll make sure to pay you double."

MUFFIN LADY: "No need to pay me. As long as you're happy, I am happy. Well, have a good day at work."

YOU: "Yes, I will, thank you."

You continued your way down the alley.

ÉCLAIR LADY: "Morning, morning! How is my sweetie pie this morning?"

She greeted you with her bright and high beam voice.

YOU: "Not myself until I get that creamy Éclair of yours, Mrs. Jung."

She threw her head back, laughing out her clear beam voice.

ÉCLAIR LADY: "You are sure my sweetie pie. And here you go your special creamy vanilla Éclair."

You grabbed the bag when she handed it to you.

YOU: "Thank you. I'll see you later, Mrs. Jung."

ÉCLAIR LADY: "Alrighty, bless you with luck."

YOU: "Thank you."

You continued your way.

ROAST LAMB MAN: "Howdy, mate!"

YOU: "Ai, Ai Chef!"

ROAST LAMB MAN: "Your delicious roast lamb bento box. My wife decided to make you something special today also. You'll be surprise."

YOU: "Oooohh. Don't get me too excited for lunch."

ROAST LAMB MAN: "That is what we are aiming for! Don't forget to heat it up before you eat it."

YOU: "Yes, chef!"

You saluted.

YOU: "Tell Mrs. Lee to not work too hard. She just gave birth to her baby so she needed her rest."

ROAST LAMB CHEF: "Yes, mate. I'll make sure to tell her that. We Lee family owes you a lot. Thank you and wish you the best, Y/N."

YOU: "Thank you, chef."

You turned and continued your way down the flowery alley.

YOU: "Hi! My name is Y/N. I'm 22 years old and currently working at F.A Company; which is Food Advertising Company where we create commercial to advertise food. I was born and raised by my father after my mother had left us. A lot of people told me that they felt sorry for me for not having a mother but to be honest, it doesn't bother me at all. I bet she had her own reason to leave my father and me. All I wish for is for her to be healthy and well. And also hoping that one day we'll meet again, even if it's just as strangers. My father, on the other hand, was my super hero. Not just me, but everyone else around this neighborhood look up to him. He's the most "handsomest" man alive! My father has retired from being an awesome police chief and is currently living with my grandparents. He told me that it's time for me to learn how to survive on my own and so, I gladly accepted his challenge and live here all by myself in this beautiful neighborhood that I grew up in. My father has taught me many, many good deeds in life of what to appreciate and what to let go. That is probably why I grew up to be so positive that I can even make my friends go crazy. Although I am positive, I will not let people take me for granted. And now, to the fun part! Yes, as you all can tell, my love for food is unbreakable! I am one hundred and sixty-one pounds with the height of 5'1. That is why people at my work place called me Chubby Bunny. But I don't care because I love who I am and I love FOOD! Heheh!"

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