Princess Over Food - EP. 2

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Jin got out of the elevator and headed straight for your team room but before he can get in, he was block by Jia.

JIA: "Good morning, Jin oppa."

He forced a smile.

JIN: "Good morning."

He stepped aside but Jia block him again.

He stepped the other way and managed to squeeze pass her.

She quickly turned around.

JIA: "If you're looking for Y/N, then she's not here today."

Jin stopped and turned back around to her.

JIA: "Your trainer for today will be me."

JIN: "So... where is she?"


HWANG: "She called in sick today."

Hwang told Jin, who had intruded into his office to know the reason why you didn't come to work.

HWANG: "Yuna told me that she was throwing up yesterday night because of digestion problems. But no worries, she'll be back here tomorrow. So for today, Jia will be—"

He turned to Jin but Jin was already gone.

HWANG: "What the-? Where did he go?"


Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

You were cuddling warmly in bed but the door bell had woken you up.

You moaned softly and got out of bed.

As you dragged your heavy feet through the living room, the doorbell continued to ring.

You opened the door and were super surprised to see Jin standing outside of your apartment.

YOU: "Jin-sshi, what are you doing here? How did you know where I live?"

Without your invitation, he stepped into your house.

JIN: "Yuna told me."

YOU: "Why aren't you at work then?"

JIN: "Because you're not. You're supposed to be my trainer for 60 days and why did you ditch me after just one day? You're not taking responsibility on what you have committed."

You shut your eyes and let out a soft sigh.

YOU: "Okay, I'm sorry for getting sick. I'll try my best to get well quickly and come back to be your trainer again."

He put his hands on his hips and stared down at you.

JIN: "I promised that I'll help you to boost up your confidence, so by doing that, we need to start off with your fridge."

He marched over to your kitchen.

You gasped and quickly ran after him.

YOU: "No! Please!"


JIN: "Let go of me! Your fridge is what we need to work on!"

Jin was trying to get to your fridge but you were clinging onto his leg, preventing him to go close to your precious fridge.

YOU: "No! I won't let you touch my baby! I will do anything! Just please don't touch my precious baby! PLEASE!!!!"


Jin sat down across from you as you were lying straight on the sofa with a warm towel on your forehead.

JIN: "Yuna told me that you have been having this sickness lately, can you tell me what did you eat last night?"

Princess Jin Over FoodWhere stories live. Discover now