Chapter 13 - Pads Not Tampons

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Cassie's POV

We got in Miles' van and he actually let me sit in the passenger seat.

"Why do you use this white van, aren't these what kidnappers use?" I asked in a joking manner, even though I wasn't joking at all.

He laughed nervously then remembered something.

"Do you think you could stay in the van, Cupcake?" Oh yeah, he did kidnap me, so Tess must've been worried sick because I didn't show up to school and didn't text her so called the cops. I'm hoping that he'll get arrested today once he gets spotted with me.

"Sorry babe, but I need to go pee."

"Ugh, why didn't you go before?"

I flicked my hair in his face, "Well, I didn't need to go before, duh!"

Miles rolled his eyes, "Ok, but don't run away."

"Ohmigod! Can you stop going on about that? I don't even know what you're going on about!"

He parked the van and we hopped out.

I walked over to the female restroom while he stayed right outside.

I didn't actually need to go to the toilet, but by not running away will prove that he could trust me.

I looked in the mirror and I saw that my blonde roots were growing out. I reckon I should dye my hair red, since Triller already knows Cassie Troyton's appearance, I might even settle for some green lenses so Miles and I could be #twinning.

After a few minutes, I exit the restroom.

He breathes out in relief, "I thought I lost you."

Yup, still doesn't trust me. But, I mean, he was right outside and there were no other exits so I'm not sure how he could be that paranoid.

I played dumb, "What?! You thought I died?!"

"Oh, no... I just thought you got lost." He's sooo awesome at lying.

I give him a 'You're Crazy' look, "In the restroom?"

He scratched the back of his neck, "Uh, yeah."

We walked around the mall, like a metre apart and in an awkward silence I should add.

"Uh, umm... Hey, I kinda need to buy some, uhh... Feminine stuff."

Miles laughed, "You mean tampons?"

"No... I mean pads, I'm too scared that the tampon will get stuck down there."

Eww, did I really just say that? I'm not even on my period. This is just another tactic for him to trust me.

"Ok. The drugstore's over there," he says pointing to the chemist.

So the plan is to stay in there super long so that he'll get suspicious, but once he checks on me, he'll just find me comparing pad brands. Yes, it's weird as fuck but hopefully it gains his trust. I might even pick up some hair dye while I'm there.

As Miles entered the drugstore, he saw me at the menstrual section trying to decide whether I should buy the Kotex pads or the Libra ones, he muttered something to himself but loud enough for me to hear, "Looks like it might not be another one of her schemes, maybe that knock in the head really did knock her old self out."

I smirked.

2. Earn his trust - Tick

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