Chapter 15 - Date With The Dead

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Cassie's POV

As usually for the past few days, I woke up to Miles' warm body. We both fell asleep after the movie, of course I had to finish the pizza first though.

In my low morning voice I asked, "Baby, what did we do on our first date?" As a part of the next step to my ultimate plan.

Miles was hesitant, "Uh, we... We went skinny dipping in the neighbour's pool."

"You don't have neighbours," I retorted.

"We only recently moved here. Remember how we used to live in Cali, near Disneyland?"

You wish.

"Yeah... Sure."

Abruptly, we heard someone banging loudly at the door. (Not in the dirty way!)

"Fuck!" Miles hissed.

He demanded me to go hide behind the couch while he went to his bedroom to get something.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR STANTON! OR I WILL BREAK THIS PIECE OF SHIT!" (Stanton is Miles' middle name in case you forgot.)


Miles obliged before they broke down the wooden door.

"Give us the girl and we'll give you the dough."

I was so dead.

"Man, I'm sorry Jeff, she got away," he answered nonchalantly.

Wait, what? Didn't he kidnap me so he could hand me over to Triller. I'm so confused right now.

"You fucking moron!" Jeff bawled.


I heard a loud gunshot and a body fall to the ground.

"See Bill? I knew we couldn't rely on this idiot to get her to us. She could be half way across the world, now that she knows we're on to her. At least we got rid of this pretty boy so we can do the job ourselves."

Oh my god. They shot Miles. He's dead.

I never thought that I'd ever feel this way.

I mean, shouldn't I be happy that he's dead? Shouldn't I be happy that my kidnapper's gone and I escape now?

Rather than that, I felt guilty. As if I was responsible for his death. He defended me for whatever reason and now he's dead.

A/N: Writing this was so hard for me. I'm crying on the inside.

I walked over to Miles' corpse and sat right beside him.

Shouldn't this be the part where I be like 'HELL YEAH! You're dead bitch!'.

Well apparently not. Instead, I was sitting there staring at him with tear filled eyes. Then I started sulking over his limb body.

Unexpectedly, I heard hysterical laughter.


"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I see you've missed me."

"B-but he sh-shot you..."

"Bulletproof vest and acting skills, Sweetheart."

Speaking of acting skills I need to put on my 'clingy girlfriend' poker face again.

"You're such a dickhead! You made me think my boyfriend was dead." I grumbled while wiping away my tears.

Honestly, I wish I could call them crocodile tears, but they were genuine ones and I so badly want to slap myself for that.

Miles enlightened the mood, "I believe we were talking about our first date right before we were rudely interrupted."

"Yes, indeed we were."

"Pumpkin, I'll just take off this ten hundred pound vest then we can discuss about it."

"Okie dokie!"

He smiled then removes the vest from his chest and took it back to his bedroom.

I guess he's still incredibly dumb, since he was obviously overly confident that they wouldn't shoot him in the head.

Miles returned, "So what were we talking about again?"

And he thought I got knocked in the head too many times.

"Our first date, duh!"

"Oh yeah... Sooo my lady, would you like the honour of going on
a second date with me?"

Kill me already.

I jumped up and down and gave a girly squeal, "YES! YES! YES! I'd love to!"

"I'll make it special."

Awww, I will too... Seeing that you're not gonna be able to have babies after it!

4. Proper Date - Tick

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