lxxiii. school

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lxxiii. SCHOOL

tuesday, 7th march 2017
katie fellows

shawn didn't ring back that night, thank god. i did see he had a tough night performing, which i felt guilty for.

now being tuesday, i wake up at 7am. having breakfast, i then get dressed and do my makeup and hair then brush my teeth. i grab my bag and make sure i have the right books for today before grabbing my phone and head phones and slip on my shoes.

getting to school, i don't see mary, daniel, adam or amelia. that makes a pit in my stomach, that means i have to walk through school to class on my own.

i take a deep breath before opening the doors and walking through the hallway, people glance at me as i walk through.

ever since people have noticed shawn bothering with me, because he's growing more famous by the day, things are getting tougher than they used to.

only the few people used to bully me, and that was ever since mid primary years. that still continues to this day, in my last year of secondary.

the small digits of people have grown though, i'm apparently using shawn because of his fame because he would never like me. i wouldn't blame him though, i'm a mess.

i see leigh in the corner of my eye. she's smirking and starts strutting over to me, along with a few other people; boys and girls.

"well look who it is, little old katie. how's shawn doing? has he forgotten about you already?" a girl says, pushing me into another person.

"ew you slut, get off me." a male says and pushes me, making me fall to the floor.

laughs are heard through the hallway as a get back up. grabbing my bag from the floor, i push through the crowd and continue my walk down the hallway, laughter filling the place.

the days drags by, lunch was bad, there was more laughing at me. some people would give me sympathetic looks, not that they really care. it's happened for years, i'm used to it now.

at the end of the day, i'm glad to see the doors to that place shut. mary, amelia, daniel and adam walk home with me and wave me goodbye as they continue their walks home, mine being the first house we get to on our walk home.

my phone vibrates multiple times, now connecting to the wifi as i keep my 4G off in school. multiple messages come through as normal, mainly from shawn's fans trying to get information about him from me.

throughout the night i talk to amelia, adam, daniel and mary on our groupchat while i do homework.

after food, i shower and put pyjamas on and tie my hair in a plait. checking the time to see it's 9pm, i scroll through social media for a bit before going to sleep.

yes, katie gets bullied :(
feel like i rushed this, sorry :/

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