Memory lane and and a witness (Ch. 6)

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Chapter six:


The awful sound rung through Jack’s ears as he suddenly awoke from a familiar nightmare. His palms were moist and a thick layer of sweat covered his forehead. “It was just a dream,” he repeated to himself a few times, just to assure that being shot was only a dream…even though the event really did happen years ago, it continues to haunt him. His eyes began to burn, then he realized it was only sweat dripping down his forehead. He rubbed his eyes and forehead, whipping away the sweat.

“Just a dream…” He mumbled with butterflies swarming inside his stomach, making him feel the urge to vomit. He then began to inhale deep breaths to calm himself. Sometimes the nightmares were too real, sometimes so real it was as if he was reliving the actual event, just like this morning.

Jack’s point of view:

“Gosh, how I wish I could bury those memories.”  I thought once realizing that it was only dream. Sometimes I don’t understand why I have to endure and relive those moments. It’s odd actually, because I really can’t remember much of the day I was shot…why am I having nightmares of it?

Finding myself in deep thought, staring blankly at a wall, I finally come to my senses. I then noticed that the line to the phone had cleared, and that meant I could finally call Eddie. After punching in a few buttons I start to hear the dial tone, and sometime after that Eddie’s voice. “Hello?” He answered, and for some reason I hesitated to reply, though, it is actually kind of rare that I call him; he’s usually the one who does all the calling.

 “Hey…” I trailed off a tad nervous, wondering how to lighten the conversation; I thought it might be best if I just cut to the chase and tell him that I’m finally out of prison.

“Hey, bud. Uhm, how-how ya’ holding up today?” He uttered sounding slightly surprise; can’t say I blame him, I would be too. “I’ve been praying for you…” He said, while I could hear a mix of surprise and sadness in his voice. Though I do realize that now, prayer may not be such a bad thing, even though I don’t understand the whole ins and outs of prayer. “What’s going on? You’re getting quiet again.” My silence tends to annoy him at times, it’s a known fact.

“I’m uhmm…out of prison. I’m staying at a homeless shelter here in New York.”  I explained, Eddie on the other hand remained awed, I assumed; now who was the “quiet” one?

 “Praise God.” I heard him mumble lowly under his breath. “I knew they would see you innocent, Jack, but know this: when no one else would, God saw you innocent too—the Lord knew you loved your family, He knew you would never do such things to them, He knew, Jack…” Eddie went on, rambling a bit. Sorry but, everyonewho knew me before I was sent to prison knewthat I loved my family, it didn’t take a rocket sincerest to figure that out.

“I need a place to stay.” I said after tuning out all his confusing preaching stuff; seriously,he should be a preacher as much as he stays on me, which I’ve never asked if he is or not. I then heard him sigh heavily into the phone, which could have only meant bad news ahead.

“Jack, you know you’re welcome to stay whenever and however long you want, but right now I’ve got relatives visiting…any time after their gone let me know or just come over.” He explained, causing me to huff in disappointment.

“Some Christian you are leaving your friend homeless.” I thought becoming upset. But really, where are all the “Christians” when you need them? I’ve probably had more people who weren’t “Christians” help me out because the “Christians” had better things to do. If they can keep themselves from going down Hell then so can I. But there’s just one thing isn’t there? I have to have a relationship with “God” – which I find completely unrealistic. — The only relationship I want is with my wife; maybe if He brought her back I’d consider, but I realize bringing her back is…impossible. Nights upon nights I’ve asked Him to bring her back, but He’s never listened, I doubt He’s even considered it. But I guess the whole “relationship with God” thing isn’t a “you scratch my back I’ll scratch yours” kind of deal. People talk, even Eddie, about His mercy and grace…

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