Shocking, shocking news (Ch. 30)

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Chapter thirty:

Harley’s point of view:

My fingers tapped on the surface of the wooden desk for what seemed like hours. Ben has remained on my mind since the phone call that brought his bad news. I’ve been speechless; I am afraid if I speak I will burst into tears; that is not an option—I have to be strong, for him and myself. I sighed deeply looking at the clock: 6:19, it read, and it meant my date with Jack wasn’t too far off. I began gathering my things to clock out, but before I could leave, I have to make a phone call.

“Yeah?” His voice rung through my ears, unpleasant and almost sickening, but this was something I had to do.

“Andrew,” I started.

“Harley? Well this is unexpected, really unexpected actually.” He replied annoyingly. “So, is this the part where you yell ‘surprise!’ and confetti spews out from the celling? ‘Cause this is really, really weird…”

I stared into space listening to Andrew blab, trying to form a correct sentence to break the news to him, but words haven’t really been on my side lately. I massaged my forehead with the tip on my fingers while leaning against a wall, hopelessly silent and confused; my understanding of anything was just down the drain from my mind being so clouded and cluttered with Ben.

“Ben was in a car wreck, Andrew…he’s in a coma.” I explained nearly shouting it through the phone with force and anger coursing through my voice.  “I-I thought you should know.” I added, looking to the floor like a weak and abused puppy. Andrew turned quiet, for the first time the man actually was quiet. No rambling, no arguing, no self-absorbed jokes or comments—just silence, it put me in a bit of shock too.

“Thanks for keeping me in the loop.” He granted with thanks. “Harley,” He trailed off sounding anxious, as if he had something important.    


“I need to talk to you about Jack.” He spoke with concern. Andrew plus concern equals something very odd is about to happen, he isn’t the time to show fear or any type of concern…this might be the oddest conversation I’ve ever had with him.

“Go on, I guess.”

“I’m not saying this out of jealously or my normal stupidly, jerk-faced, self-absorbed being…I want you to know this because for once I want to make a right with you. Now, Jack Melcom, I went to school with that bastard and so did you. Yeah he had a rough life and all, but that doesn’t give him one damn reason to leave you with a child to raise by yourself with no money, no job, still in school, and parents who aren’t very supportive. By yourself, Halrey! By yourself! He should have been there for you! Harley, I’m telling you, Jack is Ben’s father; that’s why I never wanted you involved with him, that’s why I acted so jealous…that’s why I aimed that gun at him, that’s why I came for Ben that night.”

I stood in utter shock, silenced with such knowledge and beliefs. I cupped my mouth keeping myself from breaking into tears. What could I say? I’ve always suspected Jack, but I never thought Andrew of all people would have a say about him too. But how can I get conformation? I can’t go by what Andrew says, even if he does sound sincere, but I know I must have answers. If it be true, how can I ever trust Jack again? All I do know right now is…its Jack 0 and me 2, he better have something logical for me or else…we’ll have a lot of issues and problems concerning trust.

“Just watch your back, Harley…I wouldn’t put any trust in him.”

“Thanks, Andrew; it always helps knowing I’m not the only one suspicious.” I said before hanging up.

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