Chapter One

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Olivia on the side -->


"Yeah, That ones nice." Ash said unenthusiastically whilst flicking his dark curls out of his brown eyes.

Amelia  glared at him, " you've said that for every one!" her voice was rising to what was  border line acceptable for an early Saturday morning  "This is mine and Austin's one month-aversary! I need a nice dress" It was way passed border line now, "Liv, back me up here?" She fixed her icy cold glare on me.

"Calm down Mi."  I said, straightening up from the slouch I had resulted to after being sat in this cheap plastic chair for 45 minutes,  "Ash is right, they all looked great on you, please just pick one already?" It was the truth, Amelia had that model type body, anything looked good on her.  she was beautiful too:  Bright blue eyes, long blonde hair, high cheekbones, big lips. The complete opposite of me.

Both Ash and Amelia weren't at all like me. we weren't like one another at all really, but that's why we worked, sure we'd get into fights because we disagreed on everything but we were always there for each other (sounds cheesy, but its the truth)

Amelia let out a "humph" sound and turned back to the changing room muttering something about how she shouldn't have bothered bringing us.

"I wish she didn't either!"  Ash mumbled, once Amelia was out of hearing range. I laughed and replied, "you and me both."  I never went shopping unless Ash or Amelia asked me to go with them, or to buy someone a present or something. I didn't really need to, most of my clothes were hand-me-downs from my two older brothers, and the rest my Aunty Jane bought for me.

A few minutes later Amelia reappeared, only this time in her normal clothes and about 10 dresses on each arm.  Ash and I both got up, letting out sighs of relief , as I stretched out my aching legs Ash took some of the dresses and headed towards the door. "you picked one?" he called back to Amelia. Amelia had cooled down a lot because she was back to her normal cheery voice, "yeah I think ill get the blue one, it brings out my eyes" she replied sweetly, whilst batting her eyelashes, I had to hold back the laugh bubbling up my throat and demanding my mouth to open so it could be released. 

Well at least it was over.


"Livy!"  "Livy, Don't make me come up there and pull you out of bed again" My brother shouted mockingly up the stairs.

"That was one time, Rhiley, let it go!" I shouted back

I heard his laughter. Oh god sometimes I hated my brothers. I have three goofy brothers in total, two older and one younger. My oldest one, Riley, is just like a dad to me, even though he is only four years older than me at 21. Then there's George, who is 20. Both Riley and George have thick brown hair, large blue eyes and toned muscular bodies. Most people Get the two mixed up, but I really don't see why, I can tell them apart instantly, ( probably because you live with them, stupid)

My younger brother, Jamie,  is 15 but already looks like a man. He resembles Riley and George with the brown hair and muscles but that's where is stops, Jamie has dark eyes and a freckled face, complete with large ears which are only visible when his hair is wet and stuck to his face, usually it is styled to cover them, I try my hardest to tease him about them whenever I can.

I also am a brunette, my hair reaches halfway down my back, but I rarely have it down, its to hard to maintain. unlike anyone else in my family I have hazel eyes. I, like my brothers, am also muscular, but that's because I play football whenever I can, I've been kicking a ball around with my brothers since I could toddle, so, yeah, I'm pretty good. I actually recently got elected to be the team captain for when we start back at school after the summer!

I slowly come to my senses and get out of bed, I throw on the worn jeans I wore yesterday and a blue football t-shirt. I leave my small attic room tying my hair into a messy bun as I go.

Downstairs, I see all my three brothers sitting at the kitchen table eating their breakfast. I glare at Riley and he just smirks back. "you look like shit." George said in greeting, Riley and Jamie snickered.

This is the type of relationship my brothers and I share, so I am not offended.

"Good morning to you too, Georgie."

George winced at the childhood nick name and instantly shut up. I smiled, and got what I needed for my breakfast.

"Liv, Are you up?" Aunty Jane called up the stairs

I rolled my eyes, "I'm in here" I shouted back

"oh" I heard her say, the next minute she was in the kitchen with us.

"Good morning boys" They all smiled at aunty Jane

"ah, there you are Liv." she smiled  "you know the house next door?"

that's a stupid question, I thought,  but I played along, "yes" I replied while pouring milk into my bowl

"well, it's been sold, and I made a lasagne to take over for the people who moved in but work just called and I need to go in, its urgent, so I was wondering if you could take it?" Aunty Jane is a doctor who works hard to pay for the four growing teenagers she lives with.

"errm, I need to meet ash in the park so we can practice for the big game coming up, I have to be there in 10 miutes , cant one of the boys do it? Or Danny? ( Danny was my uncle, but he says that we shouldn't call him 'Uncle Danny' because it makes him feel old, so he's just Danny) " I replied a bit annoyed that I only had ten minutes to get to the park.

"I have to study for my exam, tomorrow" "I need a shower, don't want to scare the away with my smell" " I errmm, need to..clean! yeah." My Brothers all chimed in at once.

"well, I've got to go , figure it out, its on the side over there" she pointed behind me, I turned to see a golden lasagne which made my mouth water.

I turned back around only to find I was alone in the kitchen, "assholes" I muttered

I put my breakfast on the side and picked up the still hot lasagne I stomped to the door, threw on my old high tops and  stormed out the house.

it was only a matter of seconds until I was at the neighbours house.

I knocked


I knocked a bit harder

still nothing

I swung my hand up again and just as it was about to hit the oak door for the third time, the door opened and I hit a bare muscular chest instead.


Hey guys! umm this is my first book, well my first proper writing ever really. So, please tell me things I can improve on, but please be nice, I haven't done this before (you already said that stupid)

 so ill leave it  up to you! next chapter you'll be able too tell what Olivia is like a bit more, but this was kind of easing it into the story, err, yeah,  thanks for reading! cya :)

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