Chapter Three

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Dedicated to MusicInMyEars because your great to talk to, and have been really supportive!


It'd been three days since I'd walked in to find Chase sitting in my living room. And since then he'd become quite the regular at the Oaks house, yeah, unfortunately, him and my brothers really hit it off and are like bum buddies! okay, not really but you know what I mean!

And to top it all off, not only does Amelia drool over my brothers she now drools over Chase too! Don't get me wrong, he's not bad looking, if your into that, 'I'm a player and just want to get into your pants' sort of thing. And anyway Amelia had a lovely boyfriend who's good looking, Her and Austin are perfect together, They'd only officially been going out for three months but have been friends-with-benefits for like a year before so, yeah..

Anyways, back to the matter at hand, All I know about him is that his name is Chase Budding, he's eighteen and lives with his Mum and her partner.

So right now its Wednesday morning and  I am sitting on the floor in my cramped little attic room playing on my X-box. Unfortunately, I lost my two best friends to the, 'Boy next door' that my X-box is the only one I have left!

After what could've been a minute or even an hour (My X-box disorientates my knowledge for the time) playing on my X-box I decide that I really need some breakfast, so I pause my game and get up, which only gives me head rush so I sit back down again, Up, Down, Up. Okay, what was I thinking of? my head was still blurry, oh yeah, food. My other best friend. as I'm walking out my door my little toe catches on the frame, "SHIT!" I sequel before I even know I am saying it. I stand there cupping my foot in my hand in a way that must look like I'm impressioning a retarded flamingo. No one comes to my rescue or to see if I'm OK so either A) Everyone is out of the house, B) They had the TV too loud so they couldn't hear me or C) They didn't care.

I stomp down the two flights of wooden stairs that lead off from my bedroom. Once I'm downstairs I go to living room because that's the place where everyone is most likely to be. I open the door but instantly regret it, because guess who is sitting in my spot on the couch? CHASE.

George, Riley and Jamie all look up from were they were looking and take in my appearance.

Bed head, red face from my anger about my toe and Chase being in my house. also, I am wearing trackie bottoms and a gigantic hoodie. yeah, in short I look a mess.

"ahh, If it isn't our darling sister! what a pleasure to have you here to join us."  George said sarcastically, but smiling sweetly.

I look at the clock above Jamie's head, Ten o'clock!, "what is he doing here at ten in the morning?" I addressed Riley, while rudely pointing at Chase

"do you live here now, or something?! I said turning my head to look at Chase expectantly.

I noticed Riley and Georges collage books were sprawled out across the table as if they were revising and then stopped, probably because Chase came, not only is he ruining my life, but also my brother's educations. Great.

George Is studying to become a doctor like Aunty Jane. And Riley wants to be a lawyer.

Both my brothers are extremely smart, even Jamie is, I'm not too bad, but I am no way in hell up to their standards.

"I came to get my jacket I left here two days ago, and then ended up staying." Chase said with a shrug

"you came at ten in the morning?" I asked, then said pointing to my three brothers, "I'm surprised you guys were even up."

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