Chapter Four

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Amelia on the side --->


I push the seatbelt buckle into the receiver until I feel the 'click'.

Chase puts his foot down and we move away from the house.

"so, where are we going?" Chase asks, he turns his head to look at me 

I never noticed he has a scar on the top of his eyebrow, has that always been there? or have I just never been close enough to see it? I shake my head to clear my thoughts "Basically, just go left wherever you can."  I say clearing my throat.

Chase nods and looks back towards the road.

I find myself hoping that we won't talk to each other for the rest of the journey, for once I have no idiot brothers making riot noise downstairs or shouting in my ears. The silence is nice and I welcome it with open arms.

Of course being Olivia Oaks you rarely get what you wish.

"So, tell me a bit about yourself." Chase asks me.

At that moment I feel like I am in one of those crap films that no one really watches but the filmmakers spend a ridiculous amount of money making.

For some strange reason the question is a match which lights a bonfire inside of me and makes me angry.

Swallow it back, I tell myself, your in a small space with someone who you really dislike, probably best not to start a fight.

I take a deep breath, "what do you want to know?" I say almost robotically.

I rarely talk about myself and get uncomfortable when people ask.

"anything, surprise me?"

I grumble out loud," I'm not good with surprises." I mumble into my jacket hood

"Okay, Okay, ermmm.."

he looks at me like he is going to ask something really serious or personal. I can feel my palms start to sweat. What is he going to ask?

A thousand potential questions run through my head.

I am about to change the subject when he says, "Oreos or Cookies?"

I cant help but laugh.

I look at him then, he must have been able to tell that I didn't want to talk to him about anything serious. 

I guess Jerks really do care. 

"Cookies all the way, I don't know what the big deal is about Oreos is anyways. they aren't all that special." I can feel the corners of my mouth tugging up. I instantly push them back down. Why was I smiling at something Chase said, he was the guy who turned my brothers into even more jackasses than they were before. He completely took over my house, its like he lives there, Maybe he was Orphaned as a child and is confused about where he lives.

Okay I doubt that.

Chase looks at me with a look I cant quite place, "wrong answer." he says seriously but it doesn't really work because he's smiling like a two year old.

I can feel myself smiling again  and this time I don't bother pushing it away. Only a few people can make me smile but even that is rare, how can this new boy make me smile with a simple question? I don't have time to think about it though because Chase says something else.

"So, Did your Mum make that lasagne? My Mum was wondering if she could get the recipe."

Now the smile leaves my face. I can literally feel my face go blank and my eyes become dark. The breath leaves my body for a split second and I can feel myself become cold.

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