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It was a never-ending dance of his fists colliding with my forearms as I blocked, and his hands dodging my own as I tried my own blows. Will was growling, his wolf agitated, and mine played along as she teased his.

Everyone was gazing at us in shock as we pulled apart panting, my waist burning at the ache in the bruises. She let me take back over, and I winced as I rubbed my waist, taking a small glance at Sam. He was nodding in approval, and it seemed I had also gained the respect of his warriors.

"Will, Star, thank you," Sam said, and then he turned to the rest of his fighters. "This is what Star wants you to look like after she is done with you. She may want you to be even better. To do that, I want you to train at least an hour a day at hand in hand combat with your partners. For now, let's all get back to the training."

Will helped me over to the bench, and I sat down with a huff, rubbing my waist. The fire had started to settle, but the burn didn't disappear.

Chuckling, he looked over at me, leaning back with a light groan. "I don't think I have ever worked out that much."

I nodded in agreeance, picking at the grass with my toes. "She really put you through a beating, huh?" I teased.

Following along, he rolled his eyes. "No way! Mine definitely trumped yours."

I listened to her scoff as she muttered mostly to herself, retreating inside. Laughing, I stretched a final time before I gave myself a break, my muscles relaxing. I looked over at the book, watching the gold plating on the pages sparkle in the sunlight, before turning my attention towards the warriors.

"They're doing well so far," Will spoke.

I nodded in agreeance, smiling to myself. "I just hope they continue to get better."

Will immediately turned his head to the right, and I took the time to watch the warriors stop in their actions, most growling in a warning. Sam looked towards the tree line before looking over at me, worried.

"Alexander is here," he explained, and he stood in front of me, his arms tense at his sides as he waited.

Going to stand next to him, he turned his head behind him slightly. "Not now, princess. Stay there, okay? Sam does not want you to get hurt."

Hesitating, I nodded my head and kept myself behind him, peeking out over his shoulder. Alexander stepped forward, and four men flanked behind him. Sam met him halfway, nodding his head. Listening to them speak, I caught Alexander look over at me before his attention was back to Sam.

"They're coming." He told him, and Sam nodded.

"Yes, I know."

Alexander looked over at me again, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "I would not normally intrude on your territory, but you are my brother. Though you and I have our disagreements, you are my brother, and I do want you to be safe."

Sam followed his gaze over to me, and I watched the darkness flood from his pupils. "May we speak of this alone?"

Alexander agreed, and the four men followed him as they walked off. Sam dismissed everyone, and passing by me, he nodded his head. Will placed his hand on my lower back, leading me behind them, while the warriors kept a close eye, still training.

Silent behind them, Alexander followed close to Sam's heels, and I took the time to admire the two of them. With the striking similarities, I could hardly tell the two apart, however, the shaggy hair of Alexander's is what kept him apart from Sam.

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