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*time skip*

"U-um,yeah-yeah,that's me."
"You,uh...want some stuff?"

Tyler was in middle school when he met Brendon.
Brendon was in middle school when he started doing drugs.

And so he stood there,against the wall with Tyler,looking at the busses come and go as the kids dismissed.

Brendon had his hood up on his black pull over and pulled a bag of white powder out of his pocket,just enough for Tyler to see.

"Uh,um,i-is that like,sugar?"

"Its the alkaloid from cocoa plant leaves,found in the mountains of south and Central America."

((Thank you fren for telling me that,
- @twntywonunikornns -))

"W-what does-"

"It's called cocaine,its a drug."

"Like,ibuprofen? Tha-that kinda drug?"

Brendon sighed loudly,pushing the bag back into his pocket and looking up at the sky.

He pulled his hood off. "Your too good of a kid,you don't even know what coke is-I can't give you drugs."

"Well I take multiple drugs everyday for my mental issues."

"Yeah this is what's called a 'street drug',people roll up hundred dollar bills and put it up to their nose and breathe this stuff in until they see something that's not their actuall reality. I'm just tryna make money off it,but-I can't do that to you,your too innocent,your gonna be like a doctor or something,I'm gonna be what i am now."

"Oh,well,I-I'm sorry,u-um-"

"Brendon." He held his hand out for Tyler.
Tyler jerked back a bit,but slowly led a shaky hand to Brendon's.
With a firm shake, Brendon smiled.

He had a nice smile.
One that was obviously under appreciated,underused.

"So,w-why can't I have,ya know,str-street drugs?"

"They're illegal,and not good for you."

"Well,what if-what if I want them?"

"Then I'd say give me fifty bucks."

"I-I don't have fift-ty bucks."

"Then you don't get drugs."


"Hey,trust me,you don't want drugs,they're very bad,they're for kids like me,not you."

"Ya know,I wanna be like you. My mama tells me I'm not like anybody."



"People feel closer when they have someone they're similar to,but,when your hear 'you're unique' it means,'this is a phrase I heard that I'm gonna tell you even though it doesn't work worth a fuck'. Trust me,no one is unique. And you,there's gotta be somebody out there that's got problems like you. Maybe you'll meet 'em,and they'll change you."

"Is it you?"

"Tyler,I'm nothing like you." He glared at Tyler like he was crazy-which,he was. "I'm,I'm not a good kid."

"You don't seem so bad."

"Heh,if only you knew."

Brendon pushed himself off the wall where he had been leaning,and with no book bag,walked to a bus that had just pulled up.

Tyler watched as he got on and sat down in the very back,by himself.
He gave Tyler a little two-fingered salute as the bus pulled off,and for the first time in a while,Tyler smiled.

Boys/Boys/Girls • joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now