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Tyler jumped slightly as he closed his locker.

"H-hi,josh." He smiled shyly,remember the events in the night prior.

"How are you? Better?"

"Yeah,thanks. It-it really meant a lot that you cared so much."

"I'll always care." Josh said. His voice was sweet and gentle. Like classical music,ya know,except it wasn't lame.
There was something about the way he spoke that intrigued Tyler.

Josh laid a hand on Tyler's upper arm,just for the satisfaction of being able to physically connect with him. A sign of comfort.

Josh knew what Tyler was going through.
Tyler didn't know that.
But josh understood how he felt completely.

They stood looking at each other for a moment,possibly the longest Tyler had made eye contact with anyone.

"Yo,bitches!" Brendon yelled as he walked up to them.

They both jumped and adverted their attention to their dumbass friend.

"Urie! Language!" Ms.Bach screeched.

"Bite me,honey." He said looking at her,but only loud enough for his two friends to hear.
"So,how was last night,do any gay shit?"

"Don't push it." Josh glared at him.

"Hey,im not the one that likes dicks. Well,not completely,but Okay,ya know what,I take that back,but still."

"We didn't do anything gay. WAIT right? I wouldn't know." Tyler rambled his eyes widening in a bit.

"No,we didn't." Josh assured him.

"What are we talking about?" Dallon approached the group of boys,giving Brendon a lopsided grin and winking;Brendon widening his eyes and mouthing 'stop'.

He cleared his throat. "We're talking about how gay Josh is."
"Stooooooopppp!!!" Josh whined,flashing Tyler a smile and Tyler giving one back.

"Oh hey." Brendon said elbowing Dallon lightly.
He nodded his head towards the the red headed version of Satan that was there principal.

"She's back from maternity leave?" Dallon asked in a hushed voice.

"Yup. The bitch is fifty and she's still getting it on."
Brendon scoffed. "Watch this."

Tyler's eyes widened as he realized what was happening.


Dallon was struck with pure confusion. "Wha-" it was too late.

"FUCK!" Brendon yelled.

"URIE!" The principal yelled once again. Brendon looked over his shoulder to see her twig like body marching towards him.

"OH shitshitshit!" He grabbed dallon's hand and pulled him along with him down the hallway full of kids.

Josh busted into a laugh as well as Tyler.
"That dumbass is gonna get himself fucking SHOT one day."

Tyler nodded in agreement.

"So,uh,any-any plans for tonight?" Josh stuttered out,trying not to sound like he's asking Tyler out.





Josh thought for a moment.
"You wanna come over to my place again and we can do our work together?"

"Uh-" Tyler was cut off by the high pitch bell ringing. He utterly hated the noise.

He didn't get a chance to answer josh by the time a swarm off hormonal teens swept through to get to their classes.

Tyler felt like he was suffocating again.
He didn't like being a part of a group of this many people in one place.

He quickly winded through kids and got to the stairwell before anyone could knock him over.

Tyler trudged up two flights of steps to the upstairs hallway where he had his first and most hated class:pre calculus.

He slowly opened the door and got in his seat right as the bell rang.

He sighed in relief that he hadn't been late. Not that the teacher wouldn't excuse Tyler,it's that she would excuse him. Because his depression makes him slow,his anxiety makes him scared,and whatever else she figures is wrong with him makes his confused and unmotivated.

But Tyler hated it. He hated the attention and,if he got excused because of his mental illnesses,why didn't other kids?

He knew for a fact one kid,micheal,was gonna be late for class because he has anxiety and he is never ready to face people,but he isn't excused. Maybe it's because it's not clinical,he doesn't have medicine.

But just because someone can't find something,doesn't mean it's not there.

"Okay class,day two,I know your ready to graduate already but you need to know pre cal if you wanna make through college. So,pass up the homework please."

Homework on the first day.
Fucking ridiculous.

Tyler reached into his red backpack and pulled out his homework sheet,handing it to the black haired girl in front of him.

His teacher went to the front of each row and collected each stack of sheets.

She skimmed over some before coming across Tyler's paper.



Tyler's stomach became tight.
He was sure he was gonna throw up.
He did horribly,he was positive,he should've studied,he could've done better.He had no idea what he was doing the whole time.
Tyler was so scared. He swallowed tightly,waiting for her reply. She was going to embarrass him,he was sure of it.

"Great work." She gave him a gentle smile,full of pure and true proudness.

Tyler sighed and smiled leaning back in his chair.
He had never felt so relieved in his life.

"Alright,everybody get out your textbooks and turn to page five-twenty-seven."

Tyler didn't pay any attention. Usually,it was involuntary,but this time he allowed his mind to wander.

He thought about last night. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head,it wasnt the most pleasant memory.

Except for josh. Everything about josh was pleasant. His brown eyes,soft and concerning,how his body was warm and comforting,even the way he smelled;it was all so comfortable.

He wanted josh to hold him like that again. Was that had? Was it bad that they just met? Was it bad Tyler felt some sort of connection with josh?

Whatever it was he felt,it was confusing,but he liked it. He liked josh.

Platonically of course.

Tsk tsk tyjo
Lyin is a sin

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