24. Trickster

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Three Days Later...


I look over my shoulder at nothing but desert. I sigh with relief and throw my head back with a smile. I face back ahead of me and mask my scent before making a big U and running back toward Forks. I see one of the trucks and duck behind a hill of sand. It drives past and I start running again. I stop and hide in a coyote den as about ten trucks drive past. The coyote that probably lives here crawls toward me, laying low on the ground. It snarls and I change my eyes and growl. It's eyes change to blue and it growls.

"Look, I'm leaving as soon as these trucks go away. Just deal with it, unless you want both of us dead." I snap in a low whisper. The coyote turns into a human and puts on a big shirt.

"I'm pretty sure I want to live." She states. "I'm Malia, by the way."

"Kiara, most people call me Kiki." I say.

"You're not from around here are you?" She asks.

"Not a bit. I live in Forks, Washington." I reply.

"I've always wanted to go to Washington, we don't get much precipitation around here. I've seen pictures and heard about it, but I've never experienced it." She says.

"You never know, maybe you'll get your chance someday." I wink at her and she softly smiles.

"Never thought I'd say this to someone who literally just showed up in my den. But I'm glad that I met you Kiki. You really aren't that bad of company. Hopefully you manage to escape those sons of bitches. I'd hate to have to go to your funeral." She states.

"You aren't too bad yourself Malia. Mother nature is a real bitch, I hope I'll see you soon. I got a town to protect." We nod to each other before I take off running, running back home, running back to Jacob.


Four Days Later...

I take a deep breath as I cross back into Washington. I lean against the trunk of a tree and catch my breath. Almost there. Almost home.

"Hello, Kiara." Peter says appearing out of nowhere. I turn to run but electricity courses through my body. I throw my head back and howl as I crumble to my knees. "Let's talk." I climb to my feet and glare at him.

"Why when you're just going to send me to my death anyways?" I remark.

"You remember when I told you that you were a trickster don't you? Well there's one thing that all of the trickster stories have in common, they all crave the same thing, food right? The coyote, the fox, the raven, well Kiara you crave something too, but it's not food, it's this wonderful thing that starts with a p and ends with r." He leans up to my ear. "Power." I make my eyes glow and spin around wrapping a clawed hand around his throat.

"That's you, I don't want power. I want to not have to run or fight for my life. You are the one who craves power Peter. I may be a trickster, but I'm not you." I growl.

"You might not crave it yet, but the other you does. Sierra isn't it? She's been a Nephilium much longer than you have. She's merely just your shadowself, and well some people call that their dark side. Think of it like Ying and Yang, one is pure but has a little darkness, the other darkness but still has a little purity. Ying and Yang rely on each other. You and your shadow self are codependent. If you die, she dies with you, if she dies, you go down too. That darkness that you have will grow, and then you will be a real Nephilium. One who craves power, who will give hell on earth a new meaning, one who isn't a scared pathetic little girl." He taunts.

"Let's set one thing clear right here right now, I.am.not.a pathetic little.girl. I.will.end.you. I'm going to leave you with a warning Peter, next time I won't let you live." I dig my claws in and pull back, his throat coming with it. "When you wake up, you will remember nothing." I say throwing his throat down by his body. I take a deep breath and run back toward Forks leaving Peter lie nearly dead on the ground.

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