35. Mentality

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I throw my jeans, T-shirt, and jacket into the box, along with my cell phone, ID, boots, and all my other belongings I have on me. I pull a grey-blue long sleeved shirt on over my tank top and put my hair into a ponytail. I sigh as the orderlies take away my box of belongings, labeled Call, Kiara Brooklyn DOB: 7-23-98 RM: 00-01-37-3507

"I thought we agreed that you would come peacefully." Peter says from behind me.

"I did." I retort.

"You rendered two guards unconscious." He deadpans.

"They were staring at me, and pulled a taser on me. I was defending myself." I state. "Besides, I still came when I could've just as easily killed everyone in that van and escaped."

"You very well could have, yet you didn't." He nods. "Well, come on, I'll show you to your room." I follow him down a series of hallways and elevators. An orderly opens a gate and Peter grips my bicep before pulling me through it and down the hall. Another orderly opens another gate for us to go through, an we proceed. Peter opens a door and releases my arm. "Your quarters, madame."

"You had to make it such a complicated place to get to didn't you?" I grumble.

"Why of course, my dear child, otherwise you'd get out too easy. At least this way it'll take time for you to think it out." He grins.

"Look, if I wanted to escape, it'd already be done." I spit.

"Ah, yes, but you won't because you know what happens if you do." He smirks before poking my nose. "And I am going to continue to rub it in until you get it through your head that you made a deal with the devil, and you aren't getting out of here for a very long time sweetheart. Not until I get all that power you've got saved up." He cups my face with both my hands. "I plan on making this your living hell and my paradise. Because when it boils down to it, you set yourself up to go pay mummy a visit while I get the endless power of the Nephilium."

"That's not how this works. You only get what power I give you. You can't take power from a Nephilium, it has to be given." I state swatting his arms away from my face.

"Well, you have to give me power, or those poor little mutts of yours, what is it- Seth and Jacob- well I'll kill them." He sneers.

"If you as even think of harming either of them, I will obliterate you." I growl. "It won't take much to do either."

"Feisty now, are we?" He raises an eyebrow. "We'll just see how long this lasts."

"You do realize that any and all power that I give you I can pull back without even having to be near you right?" I ask as he exists the room. He looks over his shoulder before turning and leaving. "That's right Peter, walk away like the coward you are." He slams the door the my cell shut before I hear him walk away. "00-01-37-3507, that's the supernatural level, first block, thirty seventh ward, room 3507. Eleven doors, twenty nine hallways, four gates, and about thirty guards. Simple enough."

He'll kill them if you try to leave, Kiara.

He'll never find them.

I'm trying to help you, just kill him before he can kill you or them.

I can try.


I walk down the hallway, two orderlies behind me, taking me back to my room from my shower. Suddenly gravity pulls against me in all directions and my head spins as my body heats up.

"Leah don't!"

Gravity jerks and pulls until pain radiates throughout the entire right side of my body. My eyes roll into my head as my body falls to the ground, convulsing.

"CODE BLUE!!! GET A DOCTOR!!!" One of the orderlies yells as they both drop to my side. "Get her on her side." They roll me into my side while I continue to seize, pain still prominent in my right side. "WHERE THE HELL IS THAT DOCTOR!?!" The pain grows stronger and blood starts to fall from my nose.

"What the hell happened!?!" A man exclaims.

"She just dropped and started seizing, now her damn nose is bleeding too." The orderly replies. I slowly stop seizing as blood drips from my nose, pain still radiating through my right side. "It's alright sweetheart, you're okay." She says as she runs a hand through my hair.

"I think we have to take her upstairs, Deaton does better with this kind of thing." The doctor states. "I'll get a stretcher, make sure she doesn't start again and keep her awake."

"We're gonna get you taken care of, sweetie, it's all gonna be okay." She soothes while the other sits back. "Just keep your eyes open for me." She looks toward the other one before glaring at him then back to me with soft eyes.

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