37. Hey Now

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"Kiki, there's someone here to see you sweetie." Nurse Holland says. I roll my eyes before sitting up. Gravity shifts and I look toward the door. "Be careful jumping down from there." I jump down and stagger slightly after I hit the ground. "You alright?"

"Yeah, that's nothing." I reply.

"I'll be right out here." She states before patting someone gently then leaving. I inhale and try to pull a scent from the air. I step toward the door then stop dead in my tracks as the visitor steps into view then closes the door. I wrap my arms around him and take in his scent.

"Hey gorgeous." Jake says softly.

"Are you okay?" I ask slowly pulling back and looking him over.

"I'm fine, it healed." He replies. "Thing is are you okay?" I drop my head slightly.

"Somewhat, my head still hurts, but it's nothing compared to what I've dealt with for the past two days." I state before burying my head in the crook of his neck.

"Yeah, I heard about that." He gently rubs my back. "You're more of a werewolf than what we thought."

"It felt like I was going to phase again or something." I say. "Why the hell did you go after it anyways?"

"Because it would've killed Leah." He states.

"It could've killed you." I deadpan. "Trust me, I would've gotten over Leah, so would Sue and Seth, if it would've killed you, it would've been a hell of a lot worse than a seizure and having the feeling of every bone in the right side of my body broken along with a few nose bleeds." I take a deep breath. "It would've killed me Jacob, and not quick either. It would be slow and painful and I'd still be locked up in this hell hole."

"I knew what I was doing." He says.

"Clearly not, you got hurt pretty bad. It could've killed you."

"But it didn't."

"It almost did." I state. "If you haven't forgotten, I gain power from every supernatural thing I'm around. This place is crawling with them. That damn leech was going to kill you, and it almost did."

"But it didn't. It could've killed me, but it didn't. I healed, I'm fine. You coming back here could kill you. And it hasn't yet, but it could." He says. "There's a lot of thing that could happen, but don't. You could've killed Embry, but you didn't. I could've let Leah die, but I didn't. You could've phased again, but you didn't. They're possibilities not set in stone."

"I love you." I whisper before kissing his shoulder.

"I love you too." He states hugging me tighter.

"How's my boy doing?" I ask.

"Seth is doing okay, even got his own little piece in the action." He replies. I jerk back and give him a stern look. "Don't get your panties in a bunch he was on the mountain with Edward and Bella. Redhead and her little boy toy went after Bella. Seth killed boy toy, he wanted me to tell you, figured you'd be proud." I relax and nod.

"Next time start out with that last part. I was pretty damn close to kicking your ass." I state.

"You wouldn't risk rebreaking my fragile bones." He says with a smirk.

"You're a werewolf, you're bones aren't fragile." I deadpan.

"They're fragile when they're still healing." He retorts.

"If you are still healing why'd you risk coming to see me?" I ask.

"Because I was coming to see you." He replies. I smile before we lightly kiss. We slowly pull apart and I drop my head.

"Your fifteen minutes is almost up." I whisper.

"When did they change your visitation schedule?" He asks.

"When John showed up and set me off. Hence why there are currently two guards, two nurses, and a doctor just outside that door." I reply lifting my head. "Blame John, he's the reason I'm in here, and the reason we only get fifteen minutes together- a week."

"Hey, just don't do anything stupid for me, okay?"

"I won't."

"I love you, Kiki."

"I love you too."

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now