48. Me and You

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"Stay the hell away from her!" I stagger back and hang my head slightly.

"She ain't even yours anymore Black." Paul spits.

"It doesn't fucking matter if I fucking imprinted or not Paul. She's mine." Jake growls.

"You let them take her, and kill her. You don't fucking love her." Paul scoffs.


"Who says she still loves you?" Paul smirks. "After all, she's been back for a while now, and she never even went to see you once."

"Yeah, she did actually." Embry says from behind me. "And if I see you even trying to make a move on her again- I'm going to fucking kill you." I side step behind Embry just as Paul punches Jake. My eyes widen and I go to run toward them. Embry pulls me back as Jake swings. I squeeze my eyes shut and bury my head into Embry's shoulder. His arms wrap around me tightly. I hear clothes rip along with snarls and growls.

They're fighting for me. I turn in Embry's arms to watch everything unfold. It wouldn't take much for Jake to win, he won the last fight, but this is different. One of them might actually die. Embry rubs my arm comfortingly.

"Embry, they're going to kill each other." I whisper.

"I'll stop it if it gets to that point." He says. They continue fighting for about two minutes until Jake ends up growling down at Paul. Paul gets up and runs.


I gently push hair away from his face and smile. Embry and I managed to get to my room before he passed out. He got a bit cut up, but it's healing. None of his bones broke. Embry comes up to check on me every five minutes or so, to make sure I don't have a break down. He said the imprint doesn't matter, so as long as he still loves me all is well.

Lord knows I never stopped.

"Kiki?" Jake mumbles.

"I'm right here." I smile squeezing his hand. He smiles and squeezes my hand back.

"I love you." He states.

"I love you too baby." I lean down and we kiss.

"I've missed you so fucking much." He breathes. I wrap my arms around him and lay against his chest.

"I missed you too." I whisper. "Don't pay attention to the shit Paul said. I love you, I missed you, I need you. Imprint or not, you are all I see." He gently rubs my back.

"I know baby, I know." He whispers. I inhale his scent, basking in his warmth, a warmth that I've longed for for almost six months. This is all I need, just to be with him, in his arms.

"I love you, I love you so fucking much." I declare forcing back tears. His arms tighten around me and he buries his face in my neck.

"I love you too Kiara, no matter what." He kisses my neck gently. "I love you."

I was back with him, that's all that matters. I know he won't leave me. I know he's mine forever. Imprint or not, he will always be mine.

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now