51. Vendetta

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I sit on the bed and slowly brush my hair. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

Peter stands over top of me, his body scar-ridden from burns. His mouth spits words of hate as his claws cut my burning flesh.

I open my eyes and shake my head. I set the brush down and begin to dutch braid one side of my head. I look up into the mirror and Peter appears behind me. His eyes glow bright blue, fangs extending from his teeth, claws on his fingertips, his flesh only scars and burns.

I turn around and he's not there. I take a deep breath and start braiding the other half of my hair. I look toward the floor and a shadow is cast across it from behind me. I stand up and turn around breathing heavily. My eyes glow and I start to shift, I feel myself unhealing and shake my head. I force it to heal again and look around me.

"Kiki?" I spin around and snarl. Embry holds up his hands and steps back. I shift back and shake my head. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm- I'm fine." I nod turning and looking toward the window.

"Your hair looks nice." He states.

"Thanks." I keep my eyes trained on the woods. Peter stands at the edge of the treeline with a heart in his hand. I clench my jaw and force back a growl.

"You see something?" Embry steps toward me and Peter disappears.

"No, just looking." I shake my head. "Let's go eat." I turn and walk to the door.

"Yeah, let's eat." He follows me downstairs to the kitchen.

"Morning kiddo, your hair looks nice." Dad says pouring his myself a cup of coffee.

"Thanks." I smile.

"The waffles are almost done." He adds.

"I haven't had waffles in forever!" I exclaim.

"Neither have I." Embry nods.

"Well, you can't say that anymore." Dad smiles. I look out the window and Peter stands just outside it. I dig my claws into the marble countertop, clenching my jaw as my eyes change color.

"Kiki what's wrong?" Embry asks. A low growl escapes my throat and Peter smirks showing his fangs. "Kiki, what do you see?" I feel my skin start to melt away as I growl louder. "Kiki, what's there?" The waffle iron beeps and I break the countertop. Peter disappears and the shake my head. I drag my hand across my face and it heals beneath my fingertips.

"Shit." I mutter looking down at the broken countertop.

"What the hell do you keep seeing?" Embry asks sternly.

"Nothing Embry, just let's eat." I reply.


I stand on the porch with my arms crossed on the banister. I look out across yard to the woods.

"I don't know, she just keeps dazing out and growling at stuff that's not even there." I hear Embry say. I sigh and look down at my feet. "Yeah, she shifted earlier." I look up and at the edge of treeline stands a coyote.

"Malia?" I whisper staring at it. The eyes glow blue and then it runs. I walk inside and put on my shoes. "I'll be back, I'm going on a walk." I turn and leave before anyone can veto. I run after the coyote chasing it close. "Malia, stop running!" I call. She keeps going and I stop. I make my eyes glow and allow myself to shift, even though the burns show. The coyote shifts into a man with burns covering his body. "Peter." I growl.

"Look who decided to come play." He smirks.

"I'm going to fucking murder you!" I roar. He chuckles then allows himself to shift.

"You don't have the power." He snarls. I roar and allow my inner demon to take over.

Once Peter is weakened so I can take him, she gives me back the vessel. I dig my claws into his abdomen and I feel the power returning to my body. I plunge my other hand into his chest and pull his heart out. I crush it in my hand and watch as his body falls to the ground. I tear his head off and stake it into the ground using a stick. I carve my name into his back and walk away from his corpse.

Little Wolf // Twilight Saga // Jacob BlackWhere stories live. Discover now