Chapter Three.

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Chapter Three.

"It was hilarious actually." Ed laughs along with his two friends.

I feel as if I don't belong. This whole setting, it doesn't go with me. I feel as if people are staring at me. Because I am wearing these clothes, this suit. Why am I wearing a suit? Oh because these people are filthy rich and posh, all things that I'm not.

Those few moments in the bedroom upstairs with Scarlette, it was weird. I gave her my top, she looked.. As if she was mine. That doesn't make sense.

She isn't mine. I laugh to myself as I take a sip from my red cup, the punch being a bit too sweet for my liking.

But I do wonder where she is.

"Hey, man, this is Harry." Ed says to me, gesturing over to a tall lad with a curly quiff.

"How're yea?" I try pulling off my best smile as I shake the boys hand.

"Good thanks." He says, his accent not the same as Ed's but close.

"You have fun?" Ed asks me.

"I suppose it's alright, tell me something though." I say.

Ed looks at me, then to Harry, then back to me, "sure."

"Why is your friend having there party here? In your house."

Ed chuckles, it wasn't supposed to be funny.

"Its my step sisters birthday, not my friends."

"Then why'd you tell me it was your friends?"

Ed scratches his neck, "oh yeah, I remember now. Me and her used to be good friends before our parents married, it's just weird calling each other family." He explains.

I nod, walking around the two lads to get another drink just not punch this time. As I'm pouring the Red Bull into my Vodka, somebody falls into me and the drink spills over.

Ready to curse them out, I turn around and see the same girl I saw earlier on, Scarlette. Her cheeks flushed, and her hair gone wild.

"I.. I am so sorry." She says, stumbling over her words.

"You're alright, I'll just pour another." I say.

She goes to pull out another can of Red Bull from the press, "here." She says, handing it to me.

I take it from her, muttering a thanks as I repeat my previous actions of pouring in the Vodka then the Red Bull.

"Didn't think you would know what Red Bull was." I joke as I take a sip, the liquor washes down my throat. The feeling of adrenaline rushing over me.

Scarlette straightens up, her brows narrowing, "why is that?" She asks, her voice stern.

I smile, "because you just don't look like the type of girl that would drink alcohol."

I can already see her shock, her anger, she's enraged. Just what I wanted.

"Just because I look as if I do not drink, does not mean I do not drink!" She whispers harshly to me.

I smirk, "show me you drink so." I say, handing her over my glass.

She looks up to me, shocked. "I cannot drink out of that!" She takes a step back from the glass, as if it will infect her with a horrible virus.

"It's just a glass, Scarlette." I chuckle at her actions.

Scarlette shakes her head, "no. it is a glass in which you have drunk out of." She says, as if she is pointing out the obvious.

"Somebody is afraid of germs. It seems you had no bother wearing my t-shirt after I had wore it." 

Scarlette's lips part as if she wants to speak, but stops herself. 

"Speechless?" I tease, taking another sip of my drink. 

The burning feeling goes down beautifully.

She fixes her brown hair behind her ears, "no, I.. You cannot use that against me." She says, avoiding my gaze.

"Use what against you?" I ask, taking a seat on the chair beside me.

Scarlette stands in front of me, "that! That I wore your shirt, which was only because I was naked and you said my clothes were soaked from the shower anyway." She says, her words rushed out as she looks around frantically.

"Stop acting as if you didn't want to wear it." I laugh at the girl infront of me. 

"Do not laugh at me! I was.. Unconscious! I was not thinking straight-"

"Everything alright, Scarlette?" A boy with sleeked back light brown hair appears beside Scarlette.

"Yes, I was just talking with Niall." She smiles up at him, pecking him on the lips. 

He looks surprised. Please tell me she is not going out with him! He is way, way out of her limit. How is she dating a person like him? A person that wears khaki pants and loafers. 

"Everything alright, Niall?" Scarlette smiles over at me, she must no this bothers me.

"Actually yes, I just need to find my girl is all." I smirk over to her. 

I stand up to leave, only to remember that I have her phone still. Reaching into my suit pocket I take out the black android and hand it to her, "you dropped this." I smile, sourly.

She looks on as I walk over to Harry and Ed, a girl with bright flaming red hair is beside them. I take her by the waist, she seems astonished but I give her a smirk for comfort.. Well the most comfort you can possible get from a smirk. She smiles as I pull her down onto my lap and placing her lips on mine. Her eye's close, but mine stay open to stare over at Scarlette and her boyfriend. 

She looks away, she has been caught. 

Her perfect stepford boyfriend takes her hand a leads her to the dance floor, his hands wrapping around her waist. Her eye's land on me and she looks away once more.

This feels wrong, I barely know this girl. Scarlette is just another one of my games, just like this girl on my lap. Just a game. She is a game. My game. My own little game. Like Monopoly. Like Twister. Like Snakes and Ladders. My game.


I am so sorry it is a bit short, I just want to tell you all one thing. This story is not copying anybody. As you have already read, Niall has killed somebody. He is a murderer. He isn't a bad boy who hates everything and falls in love with this sweet innocent girl, he is a murderer. OK? Got it? OK.

Besides that, I cannot upload an image of Scarlette because it will not let me. But I am trying. 

If you would like a dedication, just ask. 

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