Chapter Two.

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Chapter Two.

My cheeks start to flame as I take in the sight of the boy in front of me. How did I not hear the shower on before I came in? Wait.. My eye's interlock with the blonde's. I have seen him before.

"Like what yea see?" His Irish accent pulls me from my thoughts and I only now realize I have been staring at his.. Man bits. I look away quickly.

Why am I still here?

"I.. No." I shake my head,  turning to glare up at the boy.

"Well why are you here?" Niall -I now remember him saying his name- asks.

My head is a jumble as I try figure out why I came here, "I was looking for Ed." I say, truthfully.

Niall sticks his head back in the shower, closing the shower door. "So you enter the toilet? What if he had been naked?" Niall says.

I can see the steam clouding around me, "Ed is my stepbrother, I have seen him naked before." I say.

"Incest." I hear Niall say.

"No! Not at all, I just mean.." What do I mean? I have only seen Ed topless, I said I had seen him naked so Niall would stop asking questions.

"It's alright, Scarlette." Niall says.

"How do you-"

The door pushes open to reveal my mother, "Scarlette! Come on, we have much to do." She scolds me, pointing her index finger toward me.

"I was just about to have a shower, mother." I frown.

My mothers wrinkles appear as her eyebrows shoot up, "oh I see, and you just expect me to wait around for you?" She snaps at me.

"No I do not want you to wait around for me, I am perfectly capable of looking after myself whilst I shower." I laugh a little.

My mothers eyebrows narrow, "hurry up." She says before leaving.

I let out a heavy breath once she leaves.

"Your mums one big pain in the rear end." I hear Niall's voice chuckle from the shower once more, I forgot he was even here.

"Shut up, are you almost finished?" I ask.

"Nope." Niall says.

I groan, "I will just go find another bathroom." I decide.

"You could always join me?" Niall sticks his head out of the shower, the tips of his hair dripping onto the tiled floor.

My nose scrunches up, "join a shower, with you?" I know I sound rude, but one I have a boyfriend and two, that stuff is wrong. At least until marriage.

Niall's face falls and he looks down at the floor, "I was kidding." He says and looks back up to me, his eye's raking over me, "you aren't my type anyway." He adds before sticking his head back in the shower.

I admit, that hurt. But maybe he was just playing with me before and he could quite possibly be gay or he just thinks I am ugly. None the less, I huff, grab my stuff and storm out of the bathroom.

As I'm walking down the hallway of Ed's huge house, I come in contact with my mothers tall frame. "It does not look like you washed, Scarlette." She states.

"I did not shower, mother, there was someone already in the shower."

My mothers face goes into shock, "while you were in there?" She scowls.

"Uh.. Yes." I mumble.

"Why didn't you get out as soon as you figured out?" My mother continues to interreogate me,

"Because I only figured out just now." I sigh.

"Right well go hurry up and shower." 

Once I find a shower, I step in and try to forget all about that rude boy and his many, many tattoo's and piercings. But it is impossible as he fogs up my brain with his bright shinning blue eye's. But you aren't my type. Still plays around with me, and as the scorching water is rinsing out the suds for my hair I get irritated, and when I go to turn around my toe hits off the side of the shower and I fall, banging my head off the floor of the shower in the process.

"Scarlette.. Wake up, you're safe now." 


I can hear the lovely voice, with just a hint of worry in it. But I cannot see the handsome face that must come with it.

"Scarlette, please wake up." My name rolls off there tongue so beautifuly. It must be a sin.

I need to open up my eye's but I do not want this to end, this is pure bliss. Being comforted in a way nobody has ever comforted me before. Wait,, I passed out in the shower.. Naked, my eye's shoot open and I jerk away from the person holding me.

It is Niall.

I look down to see if I am naked, thankfully somebody was nice enough to dress me. Wait.. The only person I see is Niall, taking one more look at my attire my stomach lurches, I'm wearing a plain black t-shirt, Niall's plain black t-shirt. 

I look up to Niall, his cheeks flushing. "It was the only thing I could give you, your clothes were wet." He says, "oh, it's clean don't worry." He adds.

I attempt to move, but Niall holds me in place. I look up to him, "do you mind letting me go?" I ask, a slight smile playing on my lips.

Niall nods, "oh yeah sorry." He says, letting go of my waist.

Once I stand up, my hair is already dripping onto the carpet and the t-shirt only goes half way down my thighs.

"I feel naked." I laugh lightly. 

Niall stands up from the floor and smiles, "look at me sure, I only have a pants on." I look over to him, my lips parting as I see his topless body. 

"You can have your top back.." I say.

"No, you're alright. Ed's given me clothes to wear to this lame party or something." Niall laughs, turning around to retrieve the clothing from the dresser, "see." He says, showing me them.

I smile, "OK, well I need to change, as do you, So would you mind going out, or at least turning around?" I ask, weighing the pros and cons in my mind of this situation.

"I'll turn around." Niall smirks. 

I roll my eye's, cocky Niall is back.


So what did ye think? I know its a little short but I am busy ok :) 

Please comment, I greatly appreciate it.

P.s Remember Marina from Marina and the diamonds is Scarlette.x Love ye.xx

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