Chapter Four.

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This will be in Scarlette's point of view by the way! Please vote.x

Chapter Four.

My mind has been blank for the past three days. I have tried getting my head around letting that boy see me naked, although it was not my choice. Edward said Niall had used the bathroom in his fathers store and that is how they met.

I find it quite bizarre, how Ed just befriended this stranger and offered him a party invite.

Although, Niall isn't so bad. Oh what am I saying? He made out with that whore right in front of me, and it should not under any circumstances bother me because I have a boyfriend, a boyfriend that I love. 

Somebody should really help me out here, I am stuck in a room full of narcasistic people. I feel as if I am screaming but nobody is there to save me. They just look around a laugh amongst themselves. 

There is mother, who is dressed in her formal wear. A long dress that flows so elegantly along the floor. A light pink in colour. you would swear we are going aboard a fancy ship as first class passengers. Then you will see my full blood brother, Samuel, Sam for short. He wears skinny jeans. very tight and very dark in colour, and a tight dark blue buttoned up shirt. You will see his dark brown hair geld back as if he is from the 50's, very handsome. Most people say he looks most like me in looks.

On the right side of my mother, there is Petunia, Edwards girlfriend. Her bottled blonde hair cascading down her fragile back. Her bright blue eye's showing no interest in the current event. Then beside her there is Edward, my stepbrother. His ginger hair falling flatly on his head. He never did care much for his looks, a thing my mother always despised about her new husbands child.

Then you will see Chad, my boyfriend. His nice green eye's standing out from all his other features. He is wearing a classic black suit with polished black shoes.

Then there is me. I stand alone, beside the large fireplace in my stepfathers house. I never really did care for these type of events, the type were fancy people gossip about the neighbours and gulp back Scotch and Brandy. My lavender dress falls just below my knees, my chest is completely covered up by fabulous designs. I wear pumps on my feet, I am a quite small person but I do not feel as if I should wear big six inch heels to impress people. My dark brown hair, the same colour as Sam's is tied of in a ballerina bun. Perfection at it's best, not a single strand of hair out of place. I wear no make up on my face, so I do look rather plain.

"Scarlette, tell Maurice about your college." My mother says, looking over to wear I stand.

Oh I almost forgot about poor Maurice, she is my mothers friend and I feel rather guilty for her as my mother can be a bit obnoxious.

"Oh, there is nothing to really explain. I got excepted and I go in the fall." I say, with a shrug.

"That's not true!" Sam butts in, "Scar here is a smarty pants and got accepted straight away because she is a genius." Just as Sam finishes the door opens with a loud squeak, I look up to see Niall. 

What is he doing here?

"Oh yeah, I invited my mate if that's alright? Actually no it is, because I lived here before all of you." Ed chuckles. 

My mother narrows her eye's at Ed as he walks over to Niall, giving him a secret handshake kind of thing. Niall's eye's land on me and he winks, he actually winks. He winks at me! Does that boy have no manners at all? Did his parents bring him up properly? Obviously not if he is a rude man.

Rolling my eye's I go to the window, that reaches up to the roof and smile, it is raining. I quite like the rain, especially when there is thunder storms, they let me know that even the sky screams sometimes too. I watch carefully as the rain drops slide passionately down the window. 

"This party is shite." Niall says from behind me.

Not bothering to turn my head to look at him I reply, "this is not a party, it is a gathering." I say.

I feel Niall's presence beside me, "do yea want to go to a real party?" He asks me, his voice low.

"No." I answer, my tone flat as I continue to stare at the sky.

"Come on, live a little." He laughs, nudging my arm with his elbow.

I cannot go to a party with Niall, I don't even know him.

"I.." I finally turn around to look at the boy, his hair is styled up into a quiff, his brown roots making a show.

"Look, I won't drag you out or anything but do you really want to stay here in this smelly place and interact with narcasistic people?" Niall asks.

"But.. Chad, he will be-"

"Chad? Is he your boyfriend? Well he can't control your life, Scarlette."

I look up at Niall, he is much taller than me. I am just to his chin.

"Where is this party?" I ask, am I really considering this?

"It is literally just five minutes away from here." Niall says.

"Well.. What kind of party?"

Niall chuckles, "Scarlette, it's a party, with flashing lights and loud music." He says.

I can either stay here and drown with boredom or I can go to a party.

"You don't have to go, but it's the first of January in a couple of hours and what way to begin the new year than with a cool person like me?" Niall jokes.

"I.. I do not normally attend partys or night clubs." I say, sheepishly.

"They aren't that bad." Niall gives me a smile, "Will you come or not?"

I look around the room before nodding, "fine, seems like nobody will miss me anyway."

Niall's face may crack with the grin he has sporting, "lets go!" He beams at me, taking hold of my hand and leading me away from the crowd.

Just as we walk out the door, Petunia grabs hold of my wrist, "you aren't seriously leaving me here, are you?" She pouts.

"I.." I at a loss for words as she looks behind me to see Niall and she smirks.

"Oh I see, going to get lucky and not even invite me." My mouth pops open, did she actually just say get lucky?!

"As if." I scoff.

I can hear Niall laugh and I feel his hand squeeze my a little, my cheeks ignite and I cannot hide my smile as I stare at Petunia.

".. I would join you guys, even if you didn't invite me," She winks at me. "But I have Ed and I don't think he'd join us, so see you later." Petunia gives me a kiss on the cheek and saunters back into the living room.

Niall lets out a loud laugh, a laugh that is the most beautiful thing I have heard, a laugh that I could hear all my life.

"I swear she is a lesbian." I say under my breath, "But she is dating Ed." I am talking to myself.

Niall is staring at me when I look back up, "what?" I ask.

"She's fit." He says, his muscles flexing a bit as he stretches.

I cannot help the pang that goes through my chest, she's fit.

Niall looks at me and smirks, "but you're fitter." He says, "Now lets ditch this place!"


I did this on my phone and I was hoping to make it long but I am not sure it is. If there is any errors please tell me.

Also I would like to say a huge Thank You to @NiallHoransMylife as she made the new cover for me. It's lovely♥

Please comment what you think, and also Happy 2014.xx

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