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Onigumo POV

"Hmph.. such loud people." Onigumo whispers with annoyance under his breath.

"Where is Lady (Y/N)?"

"I don't know, I thought she's at the other room working?"

"You don't think Lady (Y/N) went out by herself do you?"

"Ohh... I hope she's safe."

"That woman? She was with me not too long ago and she's already gone?" Onigumo thought.

"I'm sure Lady (Y/N) is safe. She's strong."

"Yeah! Let's not worry about it before it really does happen!"


"So that woman is missing... at this hour late? She must have a death wish." Onigumo silently wonders thinking about this woman. "Why am I thinking about that woman? I barely know her!" Onigumo sighs as if he's bored. "It's not like me to be thinking about woman and swayed by her." Onigumo looks up at the rooftop and closes his eyes

A few moments has pass when the other people are still as noisy as ever, chattering along with their personal matter's. Onigumo opens his eyes when he hears the door open, turning his head to the direction where all the women are grouping up.

"Lady (Y/N)!"

"You're back!"

"You shouldn't be out at night for a lady."

"I'm surprised she's back, it's usually dangerous during the night. Guess women can be scary sometimes."

Onigumo thinks to himself, feelin somewhat relief as he looks at (Y/N) for a brief moment before sleepiness defeats him.


(A/N): Sorry for making you wait xc I'm currently sick and not inspired as much to write stories for you guys, I know I'm the worst. It's the holidays and I'm busy being a secretary for my club fundraising. I will have to give you guys an update later so look forward to it. See ya :'c

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